Imrazzle is a web application framework with razzle, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experience to be truly fulfilling. Imrazzle takes the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in many web projects, such as:
- Simple, fast React Route Dom.
- Powerful dependency injection redux.
- Aims to make application side effects library redux-saga.
- Internationalization-framework intl Language.
- Expressive, intuitive Storybook.
- delightful JavaScript Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity Jest.
- Form controller React Hook Form.
- Form validation Yup.
- Find and fix problems in your JavaScript code ESLint.
- Quickly build your entire app with our Grid Bootstrap & Styled-component.
- Immutable JS data structures which are backwards-compatible with normal Arrays and Objects..
Imrazzle is accessible, powerful, and provides tools required for large, robust applications.
- Razzle Documentation
- ImRazzle-js
Check your nodejs version is 13.5.0
- PORT: 運行埠號
- SITE_ENV: sandbox, staging) production
- SITE_CODE: site code (ref: src/config/site.js, ex: default)
- ROUTE_PREFIX_PATH: route prefix path (ex: /ap-main)
- STATIC_BASE_URL: Static file base url (ex:, /static)
- API_BASE_URL: API Base path (ex:, /api)
- REACT_BUNDLE_PATH: is {assets.client.js} path
not setting env in:
- RAZZLE_PUBLIC_DIR: {root is os path}
/Users/imagine10255/Project/ycgroup/200218-member-v4/build/public ./build/public if you set error path, you can't render success!
# Clone project
$ clone my-razzle-project
# Enter folder and Install, then copy environment setting
$ cd my-razzle-project && yarn
# use env variable
$ cp .env.locale.example .env
# Start develop
$ yarn dev
> 🚀 Ready on http://localhost:3000
# In another terminal panel Run Mocker Api
$ yarn test:mock
open browser example in http://localhost:3000
$ cp .env.production.example .env
# Ready Release Build Docker Image
$ docker-compose build
# Run and Build Docker Image
$ docker-compose up --build
> 🚀 Ready on http://localhost:3000