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Overview Repositories and short Guideline

BaseliyosJacobDBAG edited this page Oct 4, 2018 · 15 revisions

Overview Repositories and short Guideline

  • Edited by Baseliyos Jacob, DB Cargo AG.
  • Overview of the repositories as working platform within railway companies and industry.
  • Feel free to help me to improve this guiding page. Please document your helping and welcome proposals here here.

How to register to the repositories:

  • If you have already a git-hub username and registration: Please send me your git-hub username and the requested repository you need access to ( Access will grant as soon requirements are fulfilled. Requirements to be reviewed in the table below. As soon your request has been approved by the admin (, you will receive an invitation email, which need to be confirmed. Access is grant as soon you confirm the invitation and you are logged in.

  • Username: Please assemble your username by using Surname + lastname + company to have full transparency about the user e.g. BaseliyosJacobDB!!!

  • If you haven not already a git-hub username and registration: Please register here and send your username for access to the requested repository you need to access to the admin ( Next step: please read "if you have already a git-hub username and registration."

Overview Repositories, Link, Description, Access Status and Access Requirements

  • Username: Please assemble your username by using Surname + lastname + company to have full transparency about the use e.g. BaseliyosJacobDB!!! Thank you very much.

Access to closed repositories: registration necessary

To - How to register to the repositories.

Access to open repositories: no registration necessary

No registration or access necessary. Just go to the requested repository.

Go to the issue tracker and open issues

  • Go to the requested repository.
  • Click on issues.
  • Click on the requested issues or use use the sort funtion.

How to generate issues

  • Go to the requested repository.
  • Click on issues.
  • Click on new issue, title the issue, leave a comment in the issue, label it and assign to somebody who is registrated within the repository.
  • Click on submit new issue.

How to check and download documents and artefacts

  • Go to the requested repository.
  • Click on code.
  • Click on the requested folder.
  • To download click on the requested document/artefact and click on download or raw.

How to upload document and artefacts

  • Go to the requested repository.
  • Click on code.
  • Click on the requested folder.
  • Click on "upload files"
  • Drag your file on the dedicated space or choose your files
  • Write a comment under commit changes
  • Click on commit changes

Overview Repositories, Link, Description, Access Status and Access Requirements

Link Description Access Status Access Requirements ITEA2 openETCS Deliveries open no requirements openETCS ICE-3/T/1 Deliveries closed openETCS Foundation e.v. (non profit organisation) membership EU Railway Undertaking development for Rail Automation Systems closed Need to be part of the RU Group (to be requested by the group DB internal Cargo ATO closed group closed Need to be part of the DB internal group IP 2/IP 5 Cargo ATO/X2Rail 3 WP 10/ARCC closed working group closed Need to be part of IP 2/IP 5 working group (to be requested by the group admin) For students, masterthesis, bachelorthesis and learna about systemengingeering, ETCS, ATO ,.. closed Need to be part of IP 2/IP 5 working group (to be requested by the group admin)