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- tinted-home Public Forked from tinted-theming/home
Style systems and smart build tooling for crafting high fidelity color schemes and easily using them in all your favorite apps.
- tinted-schemes Public Forked from tinted-theming/schemes
A common location to store all color scheme data for the Tinted theming project
- base24-vscode Public archive
Base 24 themes for VSCode based on the Dracula theme
- tinted-builder-python Public Forked from tinted-theming/tinted-builder-python
Finally, a base24 builder that doesn't require me to install anything new.
- base24 Public Forked from tinted-theming/base24
Base24/ Base16 can be used to easily generate your favourite theme for your favourite application. Many of the template repositories provide theme files that you can copy/ import into said application.
- base24-builder-python-portable Public
Portable version of base24-builder-python for use in template repositories
- .github Public Forked from FredHappyface/.github
A repo containing the default community files for a project