A student project which target was creating a text editor with context menu and modules to it like: text statistics, speech parts, synonyms.
Text modifications after turning text analysis
Examples of found ontologies
- Python - 3.5.X version
pip install flask
pip install owlready2
pip install nltk
import nltk
python app.py
Wait for app to show then go to this adress.
If you want to change ontology you will need to place it in Web-Semantic-Editor-BACKEND and then change the name of ontology in app.py line -> 14 ->
onto = get_ontology("file://people.owl").load()
If you want to use new frontend build:
- Build frontend with npm run build
- Copy css and js folder from \Web-Semantic-Editor-FRONTEND\build\static
to Web-Semantic-Editor-BACKEND\static ... TIP: delete all folders in backend\static and then paste folders from frontend - Copy Web-Semantic-Editor-FRONTEND\build three files then paste it to Web-Semantic-Editor-BACKEND\templates\