This gem is an OmniAuth 1.0 Strategy for authenticating with the GroupMe v3 API
Register your application with GroupMe.
Important: your callback URL needs to be specified as http://[hostname]/auth/groupme/callback
In order to authenticate with GroupMe in both development and production we recommend registering a "-dev" app with GroupMe which points at localhost:3000.
Get started by adding the GroupMe strategy to your Gemfile
gem 'omniauth-groupme', git: ''
_Note: There's an old gem with the name omniauth-groupme
that was targeted at
a previous version of the GroupMe API, so it's important to include the custom
git path when including the omniauth-groupme
When you register your API
application, you'll be provided a
Redirect URL
that looks like:
The query string key client_id
will be the client ID you need to specify in
the strategy below.
In a Rails app, add the GroupMe provider to your Omniauth middleware, e.g.
in a file like config/initializers/omniauth.rb
Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
provider :groupme, ENV['GROUPME_CLIENT_ID']
In any Rack app you can add the Tumblr strategy like so:
use OmniAuth::Builder do
provider :groupme, ENV['GROUPME_CLIENT_ID']
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at