Fully functional react/redux shop with various functions such as user identification, items loaded from the firebase database, integration with stripe to handle payments.
- User Authentication
- Collections Loaded from Firebase Databse
- Stripe Payments
- Mobile Responsivnes
- 3D Slider
It was by far my largest project where I learned a lot about new technologies and patterns.I did experiments with state management via redux, sagas, thunk, context API.I got to connect my app with firebase/stripe I even created a small express server to process payments.I tried to follow the key principles of React primarily by splitting the code into small pieces, and creating reusable components I also wrote my first tests!
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file
Remember to replace the config variable in your firebase.utils.js with your own config object from the firebase dashboard! Navigate to the project settings gear icon > project settings and scroll down to the config code. Copy the object in the code and replace the variable in your cloned code.
Typescript integrations
More unit tests