Releases: Balancingrock/SwifterLog
Support for iOS and Linux
With release 2.2.3 SwifterLog can be used on Linux and iOS.
Just add SwifterLog as a dependency to your iOS project (in XCode 11 and later).
Note that the OSLog target only works on iOS 10 and later.
Release 2.0.0
Swiftfire -and all its supporting packages- have been issued in their release 1.0.0
SwifterLog has been upped to version 2.0.0 since it already was above 1.0.0. A minor change has been made to allow ignoring the type
parameter, or giving it a different default value.
Goodbye ASL, Hello OS-Log
With this release support for ASL has been dropped in favor of OSLog. As of MacOS 10.12 Apple has moved away from ASL and pushes for support of OSLog.
In addition, Swift 4 made it possible to omit the source specification from the calls by using default values for file, function and line numbers. The API has been simplified to support this.
Furthermore, in order to make the API more universal, the optionality of the 'id' and 'type' parameter was dropped. They were replaced by default values of -1 resp 'noType'.
Lastly, Swift 4 seems to have changed the implementation of Any which caused a bug when logging messages (strangely enough not always, but sometimes). The 'message' parameter was thus changed from 'Any' to 'CustomStringConvertible' (which actually makes more sense anyway).
Migration to SPM 4
Switched to Swift Package Manager 4
Migration to Swift 4
Minor updates for Swift 4 migration.
Updated the included user manual.
Dependency Update
Due to updates in BRUtils, both SwifterSockets and VJson had to be updated.
Development release
Release for development purposes.
Changes coming...
In planning SwifterLog's future, we wanted to add more functionality and allow for more customisation.
This meant that we had to sacrifice full backward compatibility. (We tried, but it just leaves too many pitfall possibilities open).
Hence we decided to update the current version of SwifterLog to version 1.0.0 so that the upgrade to version 2.0.0 is a clear sign that user source code level changes are necessary.
Version 1.0.0 is identical to the previous version, no changes have been made (but for the README file).
From now on version 1.0.0 will be updated for reported bugfixes only.
Preview for version 2.0.0:
- Easier customization (by splitting the project into multiple files, introducing protocols)
- Allow for filtering of sources
- Allow custom targets
- Allow custom formatters for logline output
- Easy to create multiple 'loggers' inside a single project
Version 2.0.0 is under active development and should be available soon.
Dependency update
The SwifterJSON project was renamed to VJson.
Dependency updates
SwifterSockets was updated to 0.10.8
SwifterJSON was updated to 0.10.6
Both updates are due to increased functionality of BRUtils and SwifterSockets.
No bugfixes, manifest update only.