This project was building with Create Next App.
- 💈 Next.js
- 🔥 Tailwind
- 📦 Redux
- ⌚ TypeScript
- 🚀 Firebase
- 💶 Stripe
- 🧾 Formik
- 😎 MUI
- 🎥 React-Player
- 🥪 React Hot Toast
- 👞 CodeStyle - Prettier
This is a Netflix clone web app. Fully adaptive. You can register or sign in then choose and pay for your subscription (with in test credit card). Also, you can look at trailer movies and ad those movies to your personal list. If you are logged in and subscribed you can cancel your subscription or change your plan.
- Register (use any email and password) or login (email: password: testtest)
- If you are registered for the first time you will be able to choose your subscription plan.
- To pay for your subscription please use a test credit card:
- Visa
- 4242 4242 4242 4242
- CVC: any 3 digits
- Date: any future date
- Name and surname: any
- Address: any
- you can also use another test card from Stripe docs.
- After you choose your subscription you can enjoy this app, choosing movies and watching trailers. You can also add movies to «My List».
- You can manage your subscription options by clicking the top right button. While you are on '/account' page you can also change your subscription plan or cancel the subscription.
- Download this project or
git clone
- Run command
npm i
- Run
npm run dev
- Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.
The page will reload when you make changes.
❗ If you are using Google Chrome you may have «Your connection is not private» error. You can skip this by clicking "Advanced" -> "Visit this website". That’s all because I’m using a free Netlify domain to deploy my app, sorry for that 😿
Suddenly Firebase declined my payment for the subscription. So Stripe functional will be unavailable until I can't get an EU bank card(