🔰 React, Redux, TypeScript, React Native, React Query, Next.js, Node.js, Webpack, SCSS, Express.js, MongoDB, Tailwind, Stripe, Firebase, Chakra UI, Recoil, Zustand
- Stock trading app (React + Module CSS + GWT + WCAG/A11Y): TD Active Trader Platform
- Eyestock App (Next.js + TypeScript + Zustand + Modules CSS + WebSockets + Stripe): Eyestock
- Yacht & car rental app (React + Styled Components): Magnolia Charter
- Reseller App (Next.js + TypeScript + Redux + Tailwind + Firebase + Stripe): Repository | Live App
- Reddit Clone (Next.js + TypeScript + Recoil + Chakra UI + Firebase): Repository | Live App
- LinkedIn Clone (Next.js + TypeScript + Redux + Tailwind + MongoDB): Repository | Live App (Check the repo for test credentials or register a new account.)
- Netflix Clone (Next.js + Redux + Tailwind + Firebase): Repository | Live App (Check the repo for test credentials or register a new account.)
- Study Diploma Project (Frontend: React + Backend: Express.js, MongoDB): Frontend Repository | Backend Repository | Live App
- SPA (React): Mesto React (GitHub Pages)
- Routing (React): Personal Blog (GitHub Pages)
- Vanilla JS (OOP): Mesto
- Adaptive Application: Russian Travel (GitHub Pages)
- Static Application: Balaklava Project (GitHub Pages)
- Profile Tracker (React + Redux + Tailwind + Firebase): Repository | Live App
- Simple Task Manager (React + Redux): Repository | Live App (Check the repo for admin rights.)
- Infinite Scroll (React + React Query): Repository | Live App
- Simple Blog Manager (React + Redux Toolkit): Repository | Live App
- Cats Pinterest (React + Redux Toolkit): Repository | Live App
I'm a sociable person with a broad range of interests, from Renaissance architecture to modern nano-processor design. I am deeply passionate about gaining experience and knowledge in frontend development.