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Discord Notifications

Michael Hawkins edited this page Jan 7, 2025 · 6 revisions

You can enable Discord notifications for report events and have them sent to a specific channel in your Discord server.
The following events will result in a Discord notification:

  • Report Submitted
  • Report Forgiven
  • Report Kept
  • Report Finished (by an admin)
  • Report Conclusion Changed (by an admin)


Badger reports Bot02:

Bot02 responds, but Badger decides to keep the report:

The admin Badger handles the report and sets the status to "Finished":

Report Forgiven

If a player decides to cancel a report:

For more examples, see this album.

Enabling Discord Notifications

1. Install CHTTP

Discord blocks requests from Garry's Mod clients/servers using the built-in HTTP capabilities.
You must the CHTTP Lua module (recommended) or use a proxy HTTP server (hard).

  1. Go to
  2. Download the correct version
    • If you are running on a Windows server, on the 32-bit Gmod branch (currently the default branch for servers)
      • Download gmsv_chttp_win32.dll
    • If you are running on a Windows server, on the x86-64 Gmod branch
      • Download gmsv_chttp_win64.dll
    • If you are running on a Linux server, on the 32-bit Gmod branch (currently the default branch for servers)
      • Download gmsv_chttp_linux.dll
    • If you are running on a Linux server, on the x86-64 Gmod branch
      • Download gmsv_chttp_linux64.dll
  3. If it does not already exist in your server's files, create the garrysmod/lua/bin/ folder on your server.
    • E.g. If your Garry's Mod server is located at myserver/garrysmod/gameinfo.txt
    • Then this folder should be made at myserver/garrysmod/lua/bin
  4. Drop the file you downloaded into this folder

Thanks to GMod Store for this guide.

2. Create a Discord Webhook URL

You must have edit channel permissions

  1. In Discord, right click on the channel you want notifications to appear in
  2. Select Edit Channel
  3. Go to Integrations
  4. View Webhooks
  5. New Webhook
  6. Fill in the information and click "Copy Webhook URL"

The webhook URL should look something like

3. Set up your GMod server's configuration

  1. Open the file garrysmod/cfg/server.cfg on your server.
  2. Add the line - ttt_dmglogs_discordurl ""
  3. Replace with the Discord Webhook URL in step 2.

4. Enable Discord Notifications

Open the configuration file for the damage logs addon:

Find the following line:

"DiscordWebhookMode": 0.0,

And replace it with:

"DiscordWebhookMode": 2,

If you only want report notifications when there are no admins online, replace the line above with:

"DiscordWebhookMode": 1,

Using Discord notifications without CHTTP

If you don't want to use the CHTTP module, you can proxy your Discord notifications through a website.

GMod server => Website => Discord API

This requires some experience with creating web services.

In garrysmod/cfg/server.cfg, set the ttt_dmglogs_discordurl to your proxy website URL.
ttt_dmglogs_discordurl ""