This project is based on the creation of a website, whose main theme is the champions or characters, from the game League of Legends (LOL). In which you can see their different classifications, filters can be made on their positions, their attacks and their origins. At the same time, the Runeterra Map can be viewed, with the corresponding subdivision of the original towns of each champion. Each champion will have their biography, along with a detailed description of their attacks and their origin. You can also find a list of favorites, where you will find those that we have previously given ♥
To begin, perform:
In the /Front path and later in the /Back : "/npm install"
Later,in the same routes for the app to start: "/npm start"
- JS
- React
- Redux
- Express
- Sequelize
- PostgreSQL
- ⏩ Baesp01
Este proyecto se basa en la creacion de una web, cuya tematica principal son los campiones o personajes, del juego League of Legends (LOL). En la cual se podran ver las diferentes clasificaciones de los mismos, se podran realizar filtros tanto de sus posiciones, como sus ataques y sus origenes. A su vez se podrá visualizar el Mapa de Runaterra, con la subdivision correspondiente de los pueblos originarios de cada campeon. Cada campeon tendra su biografia, junto a una descripcion detallada de sus ataques y su origen. Tambien se podrá encontrar una lista de favoritos, donde se encontrarán aquellos que previamente hayamos dado ♥
- JS
- React
- Redux
- Express
- Sequelize
- PostgreSQL