Releases: BU-hammerTeam/PyHammer
New C and WD Templates, and SB2 Templates
This release brings a number of changes to PyHammer. v2.0.0 adds 3 new dwarf carbon (dC) star templates, 10 new DA WD templates. This version also now allows for the typing of double-lined spectroscopic binaries (SB2).
C Star Templates
- dCG - "G"-type dwarf carbon star
- dCK - "K"-type dwarf carbon star
- dCM "M"-type dwarf carbon star
DA WD Templates
- DA0.5 - 100,000K
- DA1.0 - 50,000K
- DA1.5 - 40,000K
- DA2.0 - 30,000K
- DA2.5 - 20,000K
- DA3.5 - 15,000K
- DA5.0 - 10,000K
- DA5.5 - 9,000K
- DA6.5 - 8,000K
- DA7.0 - 7,000K
Bug Fixes
This tag provides a variety of bug fixes and some small new features.
A new flag, -l
or --lineFile
, has been added to the command line options and main settings GUI to allow the user to indicate that they want the measured spectral line information for each of the processed spectra output to a file.
Issues Addressed
- Issue 25 - ValueError: All Nan Slice Encountered
- Issue 28 - How to set 'lineOutfile' to write calculated spectral indices?
- Issue 29 - PyHammer UnboundLocalError
- Issue 30 - Various Warnings Produced
- Issue 31 - PyHammer line 125 Remove Leading Spaces From spectralIndices.csv Column Names
PyQt Update
This release represents an overhaul of the GUI the user interacts with. It improves on the user interface and design by porting the code to use PyQt instead of TkInter as the backend. Small improvements have also been added to the code/process such as not needing to specify the fits filetype anymore or adding a template match metric to the eyecheck GUI. See the wiki for full details.
Release Associated with Kesseli et al. 2017 Publication
Archival version of PyHammer associated with "An Empirical Template Library of Stellar Spectra for a Wide Range of Spectral Classes, Luminosity Classes, and Metallicities Using SDSS BOSS Spectra". Contributing authors include: Aurora Kesseli, Andrew West, Brandon Harrison, Mark Veyette, Dan Feldman and John Bochanski.
Python 3.6 Update
Python 3.6, which was recently released, dropped support for the PyQt4 backend for matplolib. This minor release update will now use the PyQt5 backend which does exist in Python 3.6.
PyHammer Initial Release
v1.0 took out under development