Releases: BIMK/PlatEMO
PlatEMO v4.11 (2025/02/06)
Add two multi-objective evolutionary algorithms GWASF-GA and WASF-GA, add three expensive multi-objective evolutionary algorithms NSGAIII-EHVI, PIEA, and PIMD, add two constrained multi-objective evolutionary algorithms APSEA and CMOEA-CD. There are currently 302 algorithms in the platform.
Add 24 single-objective optimization problems BBOB_F1-BBOB_F24. There are current 583 problems in the platform.
PlatEMO v4.10 (2024/12/05)
Add a sparse multi-objective evolutionary algorithm TS-SparseEA, add a constrained multi-objective evolutionary algorithm LCMEA, add four multitasking multi-objective evolutionary algorithms EMOSKT, MOMFEA-SADE, MTDE-MKTA, and MTEA/D-DN. There are currently 295 algorithms in the platform.
Add a label single-objective optimization problem Mario, add eight large-scale multitasking multi-objective optimization problems LSMMOPs. There are currently 559 problems in the platform.
PlatEMO v4.9 (2024/11/05)
Add a year label to each algorithm and problem, so that they can be selected by year in the GUI.
Add a single-objective evolutionary algorithm GWO, add two expensive single-objective evolutionary algorithms SADE-ATDSC and SAPO, add a gradient-assisted constrained multi-objective evolutionary algorithm CMOEA-MSG, add an expensive multi-objective evolutionary algorithm DirHV-EI, add a sparse multi-objective evolutionary algorithm DKCA, add two constrained multi-objective evolutionary algorithms CMODE-FTR and IM-C-MOEA/D. There are currently 289 algorithms in the platform.
Add 20 multi-objective optimization problems ZCAT1-ZCAT20. There are currently 550 benchmark problems in the platform.
PlatEMO v4.8 (2024/09/03)
Add the creation module, where users can visually create a new algorithm by connecting blocks and train it on problems.
When solving user-defined problems, users can set the value of 'once' to 1 to evaluate multiple solutions simultaneously.
Add three multi-objective evolutionary algorithms MOBCA, NRV-MOEA, and NSBiDiCo, add five sparse multi-objective evolutionary algorithms AC-MMEA, AGSEA, MOEA/CKF, MOEA-NZD, and TELSO, add one robust multi-objective evolutionary algorithm LRMOEA, add twp expensive multi-objective evolutionary algorithms LDS-AF and SSDE, update the codes of MOEA/D-EGO. There are currently 281 algorithms in the platform.
Add six integer single-objective optimization problems SO_ISCSO_2016 - SO_ISCSO_2022, add nine multi-objective optimization problems GLSMOP1 - GLSMOP9, add six robust multi-objective optimization problems LRMOP1-LRMOP6. There are currently 530 problems in the platform.
PlatEMO v4.7 (2024/05/08)
Add two large-scale binary optimization algorithms NNDREA-MO and NNDREA-SO, two single-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm ECPO and MVPA, a surrogate-assisted multi-objective evolutionary algorithm AVG-SAEA, five constrained multi-objective evolutionary algorithms CMaDPPs, CMOES, DRLOS-EMCMO, MOEA/D-CMT, tDEA-CPBI, and a multimodal multi-objective evolutionary algorithm MMEAPSL. Delete a duplicated algorithm TriP. There are currently 270 algorithms in the platform.
Add the max-cut problem. Convert MOKP into a constrained multi-objective optimization problem. There are currently 509 problems in the platform.
PlatEMO v4.6 (2024/03/20)
Automated metric calculation without GUI is supported. Users can specify the metrics to display or save by setting the value of 'metName' when calling the main function platemo() with parameters.
Modify the way of defining gradient functions, where a method CalGrad is defined instead of CalObjGrad and CalConGrad in PROBLEM class, and a parameter 'gradFcn' is defined instead of 'objGradFcn' and 'conGradFcn' in UserProblem class.
Add a bi-level evolutionary algorithm BL-SAEA, three constrained multi-objective evolutionary algorithms IMTCMO_BS, MFO-SPEA2, and MOEA/D-2WA, a sparse multi-objective evolutionary algorithm SCEA, a surrogate-assisted multi-objective evolutionary algorithm SFA-DE, and two multi-objective feature selection algorithms MFFS and PRDH. There are currently 260 algorithms in the platform.
Add 15 EvoXBench problems CitySegMOP1-15 and 12 constrained multi-objective benchmark problems LSCM1-LSCM12. There are currently 508 problems in the platform.
PlatEMO v4.5 (2023/12/19)
Enhance the GUI with new features.
Add two sparse multi-objective evolutionary algorithms MGCEA and NUCEA. There are currently 252 algorithms in the platform.
PlatEMO v4.4 (2023/10/21)
Add a deep reinforcement learning based multi-objective evolutionary algorithm MOEA/D-DQN, two many-objective evolutionary algorithms HEA and SSCEA, two constrained multi-objective evolutionary algorithms MSCEA and TPCMaO, two surrogate-assisted evolutionary algorithms L2SMEA and MO-L2SMEA, and three surrogate-assisted constrained multi-objective evolutionary algorithms MGSAEA, RGA-M1-2, and RGA-M2-2. There are currently 250 algorithms in the platform.
PlatEMO v4.3 (2023/09/01)
Add a sparse multi-objective evolutionary algorithm S-NSGA-II, a multimodal multi-objective evolutionary algorithm CoMMEA, four surrogate-assisted multi-objective evolutionary algorithms ADSAPSO, EMMOEA, ESBCEO, and KTS, and three constrained multi-objective evolutionary algorithms CMEGL, IMTCMO, and MCCMO. There are currently 240 algorithms in the platform.
Add 15 constrained multi-objective benchmark problems SDC1-SDC15. There are currently 481 problems in the platform.
PlatEMO v4.2 (2023/05/01)
Add one multi-objective evolutionary algorithm TS-NSGA-II, six constrained multi-objective evolutionary algorithms CMME, CMOCSO, CMOEMT, CMOQLMT, C-TSEA, DP-PPS, two multi-modal multi-objective evolutionary algorithms CMMO and HHC-MMEA, one surrogate-assisted multi-objective evolutionary algorithm PC-SAEA, and one sparse multi-objective evolutionary algorithm SGECF. Refactor the code of CSEA. There are currently 231 algorithms in the platform.
Add 18 multi-objective neural architecture search benchmark problems C10MOP1-C10MOP9 and IN1KMOP1-IN1KMOP9. There are currently 466 problems in the platform.