A micro-service that takes an url as request parameter. The parameter is expected to b an doi-url. The micro-service will return eventually a map as json containing metadata on the resource (typically an article) given by its doi.
Today there is only one possible endpoint:
- metadata/doi/
"type": "article-journal",
"id": "https://doi.org/10.1126/science.169.3946.635",
"author": [
"family": "Frank",
"given": "H. S."
"issued": {
"date-parts": [
"container-title": "Science",
"DOI": "10.1126/science.169.3946.635",
"volume": "169",
"issue": "3946",
"page": "635-641",
"publisher": "(:unav)",
"title": "The Structure of Ordinary Water: New data and interpretations are yielding new insights into this fascinating substance",
"URL": "http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/doi/10.1126/science.169.3946.635"