When adding new content to "translations.json", the file should be converted to json with 'i18n-csv2json-cli' and commited/pushed.
# from "api" folder
../node_modules/i18n-csv2json-cli/bin/main.js --from locales/translations.csv --to locales/json --format
In production
, environment variables should be set before launching the server. In other node environments, env
variables which are undefined will be read from the .env
- NODE_ENV: determine the environment, among {'production', ...}.
- JWT_SECRET_KEY: json web token secret key
- JWT_DURATION: expiration time for tokens (4 days by default)
- DB_USERNAME: database user name
- DB_PASSWORD: database password
- DB_NAME: database name
- DB_HOSTNAME: database hostname
- PORT: node sever port
- TIMEZONE: default
- USE_SSL: whether or not the api should communicate with the database with SSL
- VERBOSITY: one of
{"debug", "info", "warn", "error", "critical"}
. If missing, determined based on the NODE_ENV env variable.