Analysis of the wider determinants of birth outcomes in Birmingham and Solihull using maternity data provided by the Birmingham and Solihull United Maternity and Newborn Partnership (BUMP) via BadgerNet.
Four outcomes were studied using logistic regression:
- Two intermediate outcomes:
- premature birth
- low birth weight
- Two final outcomes:
- stillbirth
- neonatal death
The fraction of each intermediate outcome attributable to ethnic and socioeconomic inequality was also calculated.
: Data preprocessing code.BadgerNet-Analysis.Rmd
: Primary analysis code.locality-map.R
: Mapping geographical distribution of births.
: Calculating fraction of premature birth and LBW attributable to ethnicity and
: Plotting ethnicity-IMD breakdown of risk factor
: Plotting historic infant mortality
: Plotting logistic regression results for HACA 2023 poster.
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