This module is used to add share tools to VJ content.
npm install @bbc/news-vj-sharetools
news-vj-sharetools has a template engine dependency. The reason we have kept 'template_engine' OUT of the sharetools.min.js file is to keep the filesize down - you may already have a template engine in your application and it would be a shame to have to download it twice.
You need to make sure template_engine
is defined in your RequireJS/Webpack paths, e.g.:
template_engine: `${__dirname}/node_modules/template_engine/template_engine`,
var sharetools = new ShareTools({
holderEl: document.querySelector('.tempShareToolsHolder'),
label: 'Share this page',
shareUrl: window.location.href,
messages: {
twitter: 'Twitter message',
facebook: {
title: 'Facebook share message'
email: {
message: 'BBC News has new bespoke'
// you can also specify custom social networks, e.g.
whatsapp123: {
shareEndpoint: '',
popup: true,
properties: {
name: 'WhatsApp',
age: '23',
subject: 'Testing custom networks'
template: '<h1><%=label%></h1>'
Sending custom template
The template
property is a HTML template that will be rendered by the template engine. The renderer will pass the two values:
- label (string) - The label passed when initalising shareTools
- networks (array) - An of available network names.
- Overlay functionality. If you want more than just a list of share buttons - i.e. you want to be able to open/close a panel which has the share buttons on them - make sure your markup contains
See the examples in the bin/templates directory. You can consume these as text if you have the RequireJS Text plugin, e.g.
define(['text!templates/buttons.tmpl'], function (buttonsTemplate) {
...or you can grab use the template.js files directly.
define(['templates/template'], function (buttonsTemplate) {
twitter: 'Updated message',
facebook: {
title: 'Updated facebook share message'
email: {
subject: 'Hello',
message: 'New info'
app: {
title: 'New title',
text: 'Hello world'
sharetools.onShareButtonClick(function (network) {
console.log(network + ' sharetool clicked');