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c33b627 · Oct 20, 2015
Oct 17, 2015
Aug 6, 2015
Oct 13, 2015
Oct 14, 2015
Oct 20, 2015
Oct 19, 2015
Aug 6, 2015
Sep 14, 2015
Oct 1, 2015
Aug 6, 2015
Aug 31, 2015
Oct 13, 2015
Jul 29, 2015
Oct 6, 2015
Oct 6, 2015
Aug 31, 2015
Oct 20, 2015
Sep 30, 2015
Aug 6, 2015
Aug 6, 2015
Aug 6, 2015

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BSA 2015 Forum Project

A deployment on a system environment of developer:

  1. Clone the repository

    git clone

    or by ssh:

    git clone

    The command will create in the recent folder a subfolder where cloned files will be placed.

  2. Create a local version of the branch development

    • Go to the project folder:

      cd asciit
    • Create a branch:

      git checkout development
  3. Install the project dependencies

    composer install
  4. Create tables in a database

    • Create a database ascit

    • Add a file with name .env in the main directory.

    • Add settings from .env.example to the file.

    • Change the database settings to correct. For example:

    • run migrations

      php artisan migrate
  5. Seed the database by a random data

    php artisan db:seed

    Test users:

    pass:  admin
    pass:  cypherpunks01

    Rest of users have a random email and the password secret.

  6. Turning on real-time updates

    6.1 Set up a delivery service from an HTTP-server to a WAMP-server

    It is possible to choose a delivery by HTTP-client GOS or the queue server
    - Set an appropriate abstract factory
    (```GOSWebSocketFactory``` or ```ZeroMQWebSocketFactory```)
    in ```app/Providers/WebSocketsServiceProvider.php```

    In case you use ZMQ, it is necessary to install ZMQ PHP-extention. There is a code for installing on Debian-based systems. Commands and package names can be different.

    • Install the ZMQ extension

      sudo apt-get install gcc make autoconf pkg-config
      sudo apt-get install libzmq-dev
      sudo pecl install zmq-beta
    • Add to the setting files /etc/php5/cli/php.ini and /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini the string

    • Create a file with name zmq.ini in the folder /etc/php5/mods-available/

    • Insert to the file a string

    • Restart the PHP daemon:

    sudo service php5-fpm restart
    • Check if ZMQ has installed
    php5 -i | grep zmq

    You should see the following output:

    libzmq version => 2.2.0

    6.2 Run the WAMP-server php artisan sockets:serve

    **Important:** you have run the command on the same system environment
    as the HTTP-server. Hereby if you're use Homestead, run the command
    on a virtual machine:
    - Connect to the VM by ssh:
    ssh vagrant@ -p 2222
    - Go to the project folder:
    cd Code/ascit/
    - Run the WAMP-server
    php artisan sockets:serve