New Features:
- MSAL now supports ADFS 2019. You can now connect directly to ADFS 2019. This is especially important if you intend to write an app working with Azure Stack. For more details see ADFS support
- MSAL now provides asynchronous callbacks as part of the ITokenCache interface. See Asynchronous token cache serialization for more information, code snippets, and a link to a sample. MSAL issue 481
- .NET Core now supports interactive authentication. Given that .NET Core does not provide a Web browser control, until MSAL.NET 4.0, the interactive token acquisition was not supported. Starting from this release, you can now use AcquireTokenInteractive with MSAL.NET. For more information and code snippets, see .NET Core now supports interactive auth. MSAL issue
Breaking Changes in 4.0.0
- ITokenCache's responsibility splatted between ITokenCache and ITokenCacheSerializer. In order to enable the async methods you need to use to subscribe to cache events, we have rewritten the non-async ones by calling the async ones. While doing that we splatted the responsibility of the ITokenCache interface between ITokenCache which now contains the methods to subscribe to the cache serialization events, and a new interface ITokenCacheSerializer which exposes the methods that you need to use in the cache serialization events, in order to serialize/deserialize the cache. This API is experimental and may change in future versions of the library without a major version. See more information on the impact here
- Replace TelemetryCallback with TelemetryConfig. Until MSAL.NET 3.0.8, you could subscribe to telemetry by adding a telemetry callback .WithTelemetry(), and then sending to your telemetry pipeline of choice a list of events (which themselves were dictionaries of name, values). From MSAL.NET 4.0, if you want to add telemetry to your application, you need to create a class implementing ITelemetryConfig. MSAL.NET provides such a class (TraceTelemetryConfig) which does not send telemetry anywhere, but uses System.Trace.TraceInformation to trace the telemetry events. You could take it from there and add trace listeners to send telemetry. See Telemetry for more information and code snippets.
- In confidential client applications, MSAL.NET was not returning a URL in the
flow. MSAL.NET now returns a URL in both overloads ofGetAuthorizationRequestUrl
. MSAL issues 1193 and issue 1184
Bug Fixes:
- In confidential client applications, MSAL.NET now sends the X5C via AcquireTokenSilent, as it does with AcquireTokenInteractive using the IClientAssertionCertificate overload. Msal issue 1149
- MSAL.NET now correctly handles the X509 cert on .NET Core. MSAL issue 1139
- MSAL.NET now resolves the TeamID in the Keychain Access Group for the default configuration. Keychain sharing groups should be prefixed with the TeamID. Now, if the developer does not explicitly set the keychain access group through the WithIosKeychainSecurityGroup api, MSAL.NET will use the default "com.microsoft.adalcache", appended with the TeamID. Previously the TeamID was not included.MSAL issue 1137