Microsoft.ScVmm TypeSpec onboarding #26644
Check `Swagger BreakingChange` detected problems
Detected: 199 Errors, 0 Warnings
The check status is neutral due to the check being suppressed by a label matching pattern BreakingChange-Approved-*.
View Azure DevOps build log for more details.
To see the full list of breaking changes messages, with all the details available:
In the relevant ADO build (see the link above), find the job BreakingChange
, then the task within, also called BreakingChange
In the task's build log, search for Full list of messages
Compared specs (v0.10.9) | new version | base version |
scvmm.json | 2023-10-07(5bf267a) | 2023-10-07(main) |
1006 - RemovedDefinition
Displaying 6 out of 6 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The new version is missing a definition that was found in the old version. Was 'AvailabilitySetList' removed or renamed? New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L3113:3 Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L2865:3 |
2 | The new version is missing a definition that was found in the old version. Was 'OsProfileForVMInstance' removed or renamed? New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L3113:3 Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L2865:3 |
3 | The new version is missing a definition that was found in the old version. Was 'ResourcePatch' removed or renamed? New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L3113:3 Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L2865:3 |
4 | The new version is missing a definition that was found in the old version. Was 'VMMCredential' removed or renamed? New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L3113:3 Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L2865:3 |
5 | The new version is missing a definition that was found in the old version. Was 'VMMServer' removed or renamed? New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L3113:3 Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L2865:3 |
6 | The new version is missing a definition that was found in the old version. Was 'VMMServerProperties' removed or renamed? New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L3113:3 Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L2865:3 |
1007 - RemovedClientParameter
Displaying 1 out of 1 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The new version is missing a client parameter that was found in the old version. Was 'resourceUriParameter' removed or renamed? New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L5301:3 Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L4763:3 |
1008 - ModifiedOperationId
Displaying 7 out of 7 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The operation id has been changed from 'InventoryItems_ListByVMMServer' to 'InventoryItems_ListByVmmServer'. This will impact generated code. New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L2863:7 Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L1982:7 |
2 | The operation id has been changed from 'VirtualMachineInstanceHybridIdentityMetadata_Get' to 'VmInstanceHybridIdentityMetadatas_Get'. This will impact generated code. New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L720:7 Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L2449:7 |
3 | The operation id has been changed from 'VirtualMachineInstanceHybridIdentityMetadata_List' to 'VmInstanceHybridIdentityMetadatas_ListByVirtualMachineInstance'. This will impact generated code. New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L677:7 Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L2489:7 |
4 | The operation id has been changed from 'VMInstanceGuestAgents_Create' to 'GuestAgents_Create'. This will impact generated code. New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L573:7 Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L2685:7 |
5 | The operation id has been changed from 'VMInstanceGuestAgents_Delete' to 'GuestAgents_Delete'. This will impact generated code. New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L637:7 Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L2782:7 |
6 | The operation id has been changed from 'VMInstanceGuestAgents_Get' to 'GuestAgents_Get'. This will impact generated code. New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L535:7 Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L2744:7 |
7 | The operation id has been changed from 'VMInstanceGuestAgents_List' to 'GuestAgents_ListByVirtualMachineInstance'. This will impact generated code. New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L492:7 Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L2822:7 |
1009 - RemovedRequiredParameter
Displaying 10 out of 10 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The required parameter 'body' was removed in the new version. Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L1177:11 |
2 | The required parameter 'body' was removed in the new version. Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L118:11 |
3 | The required parameter 'body' was removed in the new version. Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L1316:11 |
4 | The required parameter 'body' was removed in the new version. Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L1518:11 |
5 | The required parameter 'body' was removed in the new version. Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L1664:11 |
6 | The required parameter 'body' was removed in the new version. Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L257:11 |
7 | The required parameter 'body' was removed in the new version. Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L495:11 |
8 | The required parameter 'body' was removed in the new version. Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L634:11 |
9 | The required parameter 'body' was removed in the new version. Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L836:11 |
10 | The required parameter 'body' was removed in the new version. Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L975:11 |
1010 - AddingRequiredParameter
Displaying 10 out of 14 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The required parameter 'properties' was added in the new version. New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L1445:11 |
2 | The required parameter 'properties' was added in the new version. New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L1772:11 |
3 | The required parameter 'properties' was added in the new version. New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L2095:11 |
4 | The required parameter 'properties' was added in the new version. New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L234:11 |
5 | The required parameter 'properties' was added in the new version. New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L2418:11 |
6 | The required parameter 'properties' was added in the new version. New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L2741:11 |
7 | The required parameter 'resource' was added in the new version. New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L1364:11 |
8 | The required parameter 'resource' was added in the new version. New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L1695:11 |
9 | The required parameter 'resource' was added in the new version. New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L170:11 |
10 | The required parameter 'resource' was added in the new version. New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L2018:11 |
1017 - ReferenceRedirection
Displaying 10 out of 33 occurrences.
1019 - RemovedEnumValue
Displaying 1 out of 1 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The new version is removing enum value(s) 'None' from the old version. New: common-types/resource-management/v5/types.json#L216:9 Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L4536:9 |
1023 - TypeFormatChanged
Displaying 7 out of 7 occurrences.
1025 - RequiredStatusChange
Displaying 10 out of 20 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The 'required' status changed from the old version('False') to the new version('True'). New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L3190:7 Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L3209:7 |
2 | The 'required' status changed from the old version('False') to the new version('True'). New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L3338:7 Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L3054:7 |
3 | The 'required' status changed from the old version('False') to the new version('True'). New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L384:11 Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L2554:11 |
4 | The 'required' status changed from the old version('False') to the new version('True'). New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L445:11 Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L2605:11 |
5 | The 'required' status changed from the old version('False') to the new version('True'). New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L4608:7 Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L3984:7 |
6 | The 'required' status changed from the old version('False') to the new version('True'). New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L4845:7 Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L4225:7 |
7 | The 'required' status changed from the old version('False') to the new version('True'). New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L5038:7 Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L3136:7 |
8 | The 'required' status changed from the old version('False') to the new version('True'). New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L5218:7 Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L2959:7 |
9 | The 'required' status changed from the old version('False') to the new version('True'). New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L826:11 Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L2656:11 |
10 | The 'required' status changed from the old version('False') to the new version('True'). New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L939:11 Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L2340:11 |
1029 - ReadonlyPropertyChanged
Displaying 10 out of 30 occurrences.
1034 - AddedRequiredProperty
Displaying 10 out of 16 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The new version has new required property 'value' that was not found in the old version. New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L1043:13 Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L1769:13 |
2 | The new version has new required property 'value' that was not found in the old version. New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L1086:13 Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L739:13 |
3 | The new version has new required property 'value' that was not found in the old version. New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L1129:13 Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L1421:13 |
4 | The new version has new required property 'value' that was not found in the old version. New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L1172:13 Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L1080:13 |
5 | The new version has new required property 'value' that was not found in the old version. New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L1215:13 Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L362:13 |
6 | The new version has new required property 'value' that was not found in the old version. New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L1261:13 Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L1729:13 |
7 | The new version has new required property 'value' that was not found in the old version. New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L1592:13 Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L699:13 |
8 | The new version has new required property 'value' that was not found in the old version. New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L1915:13 Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L1381:13 |
9 | The new version has new required property 'value' that was not found in the old version. New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L2238:13 Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L1040:13 |
10 | The new version has new required property 'value' that was not found in the old version. New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L2561:13 Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L322:13 |
1036 - ConstraintChanged
Displaying 6 out of 6 occurrences.
1042 - ChangedParameterOrder
Displaying 10 out of 22 occurrences.
1046 - RemovedOptionalParameter
Displaying 4 out of 4 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The optional parameter 'body' was removed in the new version. Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L1832:11 |
2 | The optional parameter 'body' was removed in the new version. Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L2101:11 |
3 | The optional parameter 'body' was removed in the new version. Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L2160:11 |
4 | The optional parameter 'body' was removed in the new version. Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L2710:11 |
1047 - XmsEnumChanged
Displaying 10 out of 22 occurrences.
💬 1001 - NoVersionChange
Displaying 1 out of 1 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The versions have not changed. New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L1:1 Old: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L1:1 |
💬 1013 - AddingHeader
Displaying 10 out of 25 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The new version adds a required header 'Retry-After'. New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L1391:15 |
2 | The new version adds a required header 'Retry-After'. New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L1469:15 |
3 | The new version adds a required header 'Retry-After'. New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L1539:15 |
4 | The new version adds a required header 'Retry-After'. New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L1718:15 |
5 | The new version adds a required header 'Retry-After'. New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L1796:15 |
6 | The new version adds a required header 'Retry-After'. New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L1862:15 |
7 | The new version adds a required header 'Retry-After'. New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L193:15 |
8 | The new version adds a required header 'Retry-After'. New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L2041:15 |
9 | The new version adds a required header 'Retry-After'. New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L2119:15 |
10 | The new version adds a required header 'Retry-After'. New: Microsoft.ScVmm/stable/2023-10-07/scvmm.json#L2185:15 |