ef1e526 MPL-2.0 License
8cbbbdc Merge branch 'main' into test_ci
ba9e641 Merge branch 'main' into test_ci
c886f2a README.md update
914ed2d Test GH Actions
65c4187 Update README.md
2442600 add gh action
07e1988 add goreleaser && exclude the tool from go mod tidy
9e4c637 add version
4614496 arm template
ddc91d6 export Default
to custom schema to help eliminate Optional attribute holding the default value
7540773 export customize schema from provider, based on which to tune the HCL from terraform add
to eliminate Computed attributes and blocks
47f618f fix ci
2d2f1b2 fix ci
6e386b5 fix exact path find for tfinstall
0544e31 handle ExactlyOneOf
constraint for O+C properties
7aa1c44 init commit
f68c618 rename to be aztfy
febf5ed resolve dependency via arm template and add it into hcl
02b9a3e simple readme
f8b15bc test ci
97e3b25 use armtemplate to list all the resources under a group
226b35d use the terraform v1.1.0-alpha version when absent