The app is a fairly standard scala server that uses akka http, akka actors, and mysql.
It is possible to run the application from the command line and to make requests against it
using curl
This is the high-level lifecycle of a request:
- Requests are received in the Route handlers
- Route handler dispatches a message to an Actor
- Actor uses a Service
- Service uses a DatabaseAccessObject
- The data is almost entirely immutable
- Side effects are handled at the edge of the application (inside DatabaseAccessObjects)
The project assumes you have installed:
- Java 8 JDK
- Scala compiler 2.12.1+
- sbt
- Docker
- Docker-compose
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
sbt run
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
sbt test
Periodic job run in the crond
docker container. There is a docker/crond/config.json
describing the periodic job being run.
curl -X GET localhost:8080/v1/workflows
curl -X POST localhost:8080/v1/workflows -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"nSteps": 3}'
curl -X GET localhost:8080/v1/workflows/:workflowId/executions
curl -X POST localhost:8080/v1/workflows/:workflowId/executions
curl -X POST localhost:8080/v1/workflows/:workflowId/executions/:executionId/incrementations
curl -X POST localhost:8080/v1/jobs/delete-terminated-workflow-executions
- more QA
- e2e tests
- healthcheckz endpoint
- add logging for http requests and actors
- ./ do publish image to of the naiveworkflow app dockerhub
- create an APIResponse JSON formatted as
{"data": {}, "errors": []}
for each endpoint - configure sbt to flag unused imports
- learn more about akka http
- learn more about actor model (akka/jvm in particular)
- use EitherT in the route handlers
- learn more about akka dispatchers
- learn more about execution context
- Utils classes are candidates for property-based testing