Test-server 🔴 (offline)
This Project is a feasibility study to explore how an healthcare supply-chain can be implemented with blockchain technology.
This project uses the hyperledger fabric blockchain together with the hyperledger composer tool.
Here is an architecture overview:
I have provided source code to handle the sensors for the Healthcare Supply Chain using Blockchain project. I used the MFRC522 Sensor with multiple Raspberry Pi (Model 3B+). Each time the Sensor is triggered, a JSON object is sent to a MQTT broker.
python3, git, python-pip3, python-dev, build-essential
sudo pip3 install RPi.GPIO
# also possible: python3 -m pip install RPi.GPIO
printf "device_tree_param=spi=on \ndtoverlay=spi-bcm2708\n" >> /boot/config.txt
sudo raspi-config
In the menu select "5 Interfacing Options"
Select "SPI" (probably 4th entry)
When asked if you want to enable the SPI interface select ""
Exit menu with ""
Reboot your Raspberry Pi
sudo reboot
#It is super important to INSTALL WITH PYTHON3
sudo python3 setup.py install
pip3 install paho-mqtt python-etcd
python3 scan.py
In another terminal you can run the listener.py
. It listens to the default settings of scan.py
(no flags needed).
These are the presettings:
receiver = "iot.eclipse.org" port = 1883 max_timeout = 60 topic = "supply/sensor1"
And then run the Skript:
python3 listener.py