This is study examples to learn spring-cloud framework. At now it contains:
This is a study example to learn spring-cloud-config framework. It contains server lab-3-server
one client lab-3-client
This is a study example to learn spring-cloud-eureka framework. It contains server lab-4-eureka-server
2 kinds of clients lab-4-sentence
and lab-4-words
. All clients also use lab-4-congig-server
what is a duplicate of lab-3-server
This client create sentence using instances of lab-4-words
This project contains 5 instances:
(1 instance)article
(1 instance)noun
(1 instances)subject
(1 instance)verb
(1 instance)
Each instance randomly generates word associated with his properties which he gets from lab-4-congig-serve
This is a study example to learn spring-cloud-ribbon framework. This application work as a cloud-eureka, but this one also uses spring-cloud-ribbon framework.
also contains one more instance (for noun
) to demonstrate work of ribbon framework.
This is a study example to learn spring-cloud-feign framework. This application work as a cloud-ribbon, but this one also uses spring-cloud-feign framework to manipulate instances of lab-6-words
from lab-6-sentence
client without using RestTemplate
This is a study example to learn spring-cloud-hystrix framework. This application work as a cloud-feign, but this one also uses spring-cloud-hustrix framework to give default words if some clients are unavailable.
This is a study example to learn spring-cloud-bus framework. This application work as a cloud-config, but this one also uses spring-cloud-bus framework to get updated properties from git after POST request (bus-refresh
to the server-side).
This is a study example to learn spring-cloud-zuul framework. This application work as a cloud-hystrix, but this one also uses spring-cloud-zuul framework and thymeleaf framework. The lab-9-api-gateway
use zuul to get randomly generated words from other services.
In this application, we don't use directly ways to other services. All this work zuul does(discovery client).