This project is a Web based Flight Research Tool. This project was built with two main libraries, "Express" for server side and "React" for client side.
- UI for uploading the regular Flight data and the test Flight data.
- The user can select which time of detector to use, hybrid or regression.
- After uploading the flight data the user will recieve an json flie of the anomalies.
- The anomalies for shown in table with two collums, the first collum show the features and the second the row that the anomaly occur.
Project is created with:
- Client Folder - Contains all files for client side.
- Server Folder - Contains all files for server side.
To start the client and the server please follow this steps:
- Download the file project.
- Install node.js
- At the project folder open the terminal\Command Prompt and type "npm install"', the installation process will take few minutes.
- At the project folder at the terminal/command prompt type "npm run startclient | npm run startserver" and press "enter".
- a new tab at your default browser will open.
- upload the two csv files, the normal fligt for learning and real time flight for test.
- "press upload csv files".
- the result will be shown after few minutes.
- Enjoy