Release 22.7.0 for Revit 2022
This is the official release of IFC Extension 22.7.0
It contains a various improvements and bug fixes for the previous 22.6.2 version.
- Added export of the floor slab edge level.
- Added material shared parameters export.
- Added NetSideArea, GrossSideArea, Height, and Width quantities for curtain walls when exporting to IFC 4.
- Added the ability for the IfcCADLayerOverride shared parameter to set the appropriate CAD layer for more Revit elements when exporting to IFC.
- Added the BarRole attribute when exporting IfcReinforcingBars to IFC.
- Added type entities for rebar and assemblies when exporting to IFC.
- Added support for exporting enumerated properties to IFC that contain multiple enumerated values.
- Added support for exporting predefined types when exporting spaces to IFC 4+.
- Added support for linking in data from IFC entities with custom representation identifiers.
- Added support for properly exporting VaporPermeability parameters to IFC.
- Added support for valid AssemblyPlace information when exporting IfcFurnitureType to IFC.
- Added Width as an exported quantity to IFC for some assembly-based walls.
- Decreased the size of IFC files when exporting Revit elements as IfcCovering.
- Exported more than one material to IFC in some cases when using the advanced option to allow the use of a mixed solid model representation.
- Implemented export of IfcRailingType entities.
- Implemented export of insulation and lining as anything.
- Improved base quantities calculation for slab elements with openings.
- Improved calculations of gross volume and gross side area when exporting some walls with openings to IFC 4.
- Improved export of models to IFC that contained family instances with invalid placements.
- Improved export of openings in sloped slabs.
- Improved export of some beams with openings to IFC 4.
- Improved export of some curtain systems to IFC.
- Improved IFC 4 export of some host objects that had different layers with the same material.
- Improved how classifications are viewed in certain older external applications when exporting to IFC.
- Improved linking of IFC files with slightly self-intersecting profile data.
- Improved stability of exporting to IFC when the Revit model has corrupted extensible storage data.
- Improved stability when exporting projects to IFC with non-standard Author information in Project Standards.
- Improved support for exporting advanced BReps to IFC if the unofficial IFC4 Design Transfer View is used.
- Improved the calculation of height and width properties when exporting some openings to IFC 4, where the values were reversed.
- Improved the export of room base quantities to IFC.
- Improved the export of some ceilings exported as parts to IFC when exporting the current view.
- Improved the export of the material layers of some IFC4 files with 0 thickness material layers.
- Improved units export.
- Improved upgrading of IFC user configuration when upgrading a Revit document to a higher version of Revit.
- Improved user defined property set mapping, especially for IFC2x3 entities that previously had no type entity exported.
- Improved validity of IFC files when exporting elements with compound structures.
- Updated French and German localization resources.
Bug fixes:
- Added material information for some hosted wall sweeps exported to IFC.
- Added missing user-defined property sets for some roofs when exporting to IFC.
- Allowed the IfcSingleMaterialOverride shared parameter to override the material of certain elbows and fittings when exporting to IFC.
- Fixed a shift of TriangulatedFaceSet geometry elements.
- Fixed bug with level elevation after linking IFC.
- Fixed bug with shifted assembly elements.
- Fixed bug with model positioning.
- Fixed classifications export for systems.
- Fixed export of IFC properties associated with the top-level IfcProject entity.
- Fixed export of material layer parameters of a ceiling element.
- Fixed export of some assemblies to IFC that resulted in orphaned entities.
- Fixed export of some rebar elements.
- Fixed export of the user defined PredefinedType for the stair element.
- Fixed geometry transformation for elements in assemblies.
- Fixed local placement of the openings in framing elements export.
- Fixed missing sketch-based openings in sloped floor elements.
- Fixed the calculation of the height parameter for some railings in metric projects when a previous value had been calculated that wasn't applicable to this railing.
- Fixed the overall height value when exporting roof-based windows to IFC.
- Fixed the slope common property set parameter calculation when exporting some stringers to IFC.
- Fixed the walls export if option "Split Walls Columns Ducts by Level" is used.
- Fixed unit conversion issues.
- Improved area and volume base quantities export for slabs as part of the roof.
- Improved error handling for invalid Revit file with missing project base and survey points.
- Removed instability when selecting an IFC entity for the Export to IFC As parameter, and then switching to a schema that does not contain that entity definition.
- Removed the use of several Revit built-in parameters when exporting IFC properties that have the same name but are different.