Small lambda to convert HTML pages into PDFs, exposed via API Gateway.
Includes a terraform module.
Request/event payload:
"html": "<p>Html here<p>",
"format": "A4", // optional
"printBackground": false // optional
"margin": { "top": "1in", "right": "1in","bottom": "1in", "left": "1in" } // optional
"data": "..." // Pdf Document encoded as base 64.
To utilize this as terraform module, use the following:
module "html_to_pdf_service" {
// Module source
source = ""
// Name of the lambda function to create
function_name = "html-to-pdf-${var.environment}"
// Auth token to use (optional). The token needs to be sent in the Authorization header.
auth_token = '12345'
This will create an api gateway and a lambda function linked.
Please note that you will need to upload the image to the ECR registry created by the docker file:
docker pull authory/html-to-pdf-lambda // or build locally.
docker push authory/html-to-pdf-lambda
This is because AWS Lambda can not pull images from dockerhub.
docker build -t authory/html-to-pdf-lambda .
Build the image
docker build -t authory/html-to-pdf-lambda .
Run the image
docker run -e PDF_BUCKET_NAME="<BUCKET_NAME>" -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="<KEY_ID>" -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="<ACCESS_KEY>" -p 9000:8080 authory/html-to-pdf-lambda
Invoking the container locally and storing the PDF:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -XPOST "http://localhost:9000/2015-03-31/functions/function/invocations" -d '{ "body": " { \"html\": \"<h1>Test</h1>\", \"fileName\" : \"foobar\" }" }' | jq -r ".body" | jq ".data"