This project website for a made up AI powered healthfood start up that creates personalized plans for users that are then cooked and delivered by local restraunts. This project was created using vanilla JS, HTML, and CSS and inspired by the fantastic Build Responsive Real-World Websites with HTML and CSS Udemy course by Jonas Schmedtmann. This was great refresher for anyone who is semi-experienced in Web Development but struggles with some of the basics of CSS. A few of the standout things I learned while building this project were:
- How to properly implement a designers visison using designer requirements (view design requirements here
- How to properly use rem and em units and some other neat tricks to keep your design consistent
- Ideas on how to structure HTML both semantically correct and in an efficient matter
- Tricks to help keep you layout consistent
- A more efficient way of planning out your media query break points
- Implementing a sticky navbar from scratch
- Implementing smooth scrolling from scratch
If you want to check out the hosted version of this project you can check it out here.