####See also: Integration Test
This component provides the bulk of the spatial web services for the Atlas' spatial portal that make use of spatial data in Shape or Grid format.
It includes:
- A management console ingestion of Shape and Grid files
- Flexible field mapping capability allowing grouping of multipolygons by different fields provided in the DBF
- Maxent modelling
- Tabulation
- Species polygon distributions
- Intersection services
- Track...
- Grails 4 web application ran in the tomcat 9 or as standalone executable jar
- Open JDK 8
- PostGIS database (9.6 or above)
- Geoserver
Modify configurations in
The dependent services point to other production servers by default
The default production url is https://spatial.ala.org.au/ws
The default develop url is http://devt.ala.org.au:8080/ws
apikey: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
grails.serverURL: https://spatial-test.ala.org.au/ws
#grails.server.context: /ws
apikey: "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
spatialHubUrl: https://spatial-test.ala.org.au/
url: 'https://spatial-test.ala.org.au/geoserver'
username: 'admin'
password: 'xxxxxxxx'
url: 'jdbc:postgresql://localhost/layersdb'
username: postgres
password: xxxxxxxxx
batch_sampling_passwords: ""
# au.org.ala.spatial.process config
spatialService.url: "https://spatial-test.ala.org.au/ws"
shp2pgsql.path: "/usr/bin/shp2pgsql"
gdal.dir: "/usr/bin/"
layers_store.GEONETWORK_URL: 'https://spatial-test.ala.org.au/geonetwork'
There are ansible scripts for this applications (and other ALA tools) in the ala-install project. The ansible playbook for the spatial-service is here
You can also run this application locally by following the instructions on its wiki page.
Here are some instructions for running spatial-service locally for development. The assumption here is that you are trying to run spatial-service in an IDE such as IntelliJ
There is a docker-compose YML file under docker
folder that can be used to run postgres & geoserver
locally for local development purposes. To use, run:
cd ./docker
docker-compose up -d
And to shutdown:
docker-compose -f kill
Geoserver: http://localhost:8079/geoserver
Postgis is under standard 5432 port
There is also a requirement for have GDAL installed locally. This can be done with HomeBrew on Mac OSX
brew install gdal
Note: On Mac OSX, GGDAL tools are installed here /usr/local/bin/
or /opt/homebrew/Cellar/gdal/xxxx-version
. You can use the gdal.dir
configuration property to
specify the location if different.
Configure geoserver with the required postgis layers using spatial-service:
Disable authentication when running locally by creating the configuration
file /data/spatial-service/config/spatial-service-config.properties
with the contents:
Override output by putting edited files from /src/main/resources/areareport/
into /data/spatial-service/config/
Edit for internationalization.AreaReport.css
Edit for style changes.header.jpg
Edit the default front page header image.AreaReportDetails.json
Definition of pages and page content in the area report.
The struture of AreaReportDetails.json
type: pageType,
pageType attributes,
items: [
type: itemType,
itemType attributes
pageType | attribute | attribute description |
title | image | relative path to the image file |
counts | array of items displayed in the style of a dashboard | |
general | items | array of items |
subpages | the number of subpages. Each page is identical except for the fq used. | |
fqs | array of biocache-service fq terms. One fq is required for each subpage. | |
{itemAttribute}{itemNumber} | array of item attribute values. | |
file | file | relative path to the html file |
itemType | attribute | attribute description |
table | table | one of: species, expertdistributions, checklists, journalmap, occurrences, tabulation |
value | mandatory for table=tabulation. The field for tabulation, e.g. cl22 | |
endemic | optional for table=species. true or false (default=false) | |
text | text | HTML text to display |
figure | ||
map | buffer | approximate buffer around the selected area as a % of the area width |
layer | optional layer to add. Use layer short name. | |
legendUrl | optional URL to geoserver GetLegendGraphic request | |
fq | optional fq | |
LABELS | type | one of: species, expertdistributions, checklists, journalmap, occurrences |
label | HTML text format. e.g. "label value <b>%s</b>" | |
name | mandatory for type=attribute, area attribute: area_km, name | |
field | mandatory for type=species, count of unique values in a SOLR field. e.g. names_and_lsid | |
endemic | optional for type=species, use endemic species count. true or false (default=false) | |
fq | optional for type=species OR type=occurrences |
The build is setup to work with Firefox and Chrome.
Have a look at the build.gradle
and the src/test/resources/GebConfig.groovy
From line 200 in build.gradle, you will find how we pass different test servers and authentication into tests.
./gradlew :integrationTest -Dusername=xxxx -Dpassword=xxxxx
Or store authentication into file:
then run:
./gradlew :integrationTest
See How to pass authentication in
./gradlew :integrationTest -Ddriver=chrome
Chrome driver > 89 is not available for webdirver Use npm to set the chrome driver version and reference the lib path from node_modules.
Add "chromedriver": "89.0.0"
to package.json
Run npm install
In ./gebConfig.groovy
if (!System.getProperty("webdriver.chrome.driver")) {
System.setProperty("webdriver.chrome.driver", "node_modules/chromedriver/bin/chromedriver")
./gradlew :integrationTest -DbaseUrl=http://spatial-test.ala.org.au/ws
Authentication info can be passed through with -Dusername and -Dpassword
/gradlew :integrationTest -Dusername=xxxx -Dpassword=xxxxx
Or stored in a config file. The default config file is located in
We can change the config file with -DconfigFile
/gradlew :integrationTest -DconfigFile="myconfig.properties"