usage: pl [options] snapshot VATPY Terminal Plot Script positional arguments: snapshot Snapshot to analyse optional arguments: -h, --help Show this help message and exit -vmin VMIN, --vmin VMIN Colorbar vmin value -vmax VMAX, --vmax VMAX Colorbar vmax value -xlim XLIM XLIM, --xlim XLIM XLIM Axis xlim -ylim YLIM YLIM, --ylim YLIM YLIM Axis ylim -box BOX BOX, --box BOX BOX Box limits -bins NUMBEROFBINS, --numberofbins NUMBEROFBINS Number of bins -nlvls NUMBEROFLEVELS, --numberoflevels NUMBEROFLEVELS Number of levels -savepath SAVEPATH, --savepath SAVEPATH Path to save at -saveformat SAVEFORMAT, --saveformat SAVEFORMAT Format to save in -style MPLSTYLE, --mplstyle MPLSTYLE Matplotlib style option -imgcatoff, --imgcatoff Turn off imgcat -imgcatw IMGCATWIDTH, --imgcatwidth IMGCATWIDTH Imgcat width in number of characters -imgcath IMGCATHEIGHT, --imgcatheight IMGCATHEIGHT Imgcat height in number of lines -info, --information Information about snapshot -dens, --density Gas density plot -axis AXIS, --axis AXIS Look through axis -unit UNIT, --unit UNIT Gas density unit -cut CUT, --cut CUT Gas density cut -col COLUMN COLUMN, --column COLUMN COLUMN Gas density column -temp, --temperature Gas temperature plot -phase, --phase Phase diagram -num, --numberdensity Use number densities instead of mass densities -resolution, --resolution Resolution plot -smooth SMOOTH, --smooth SMOOTH Contour smoothing strength -stellar, --stellar Stellar density plot -movie, --movie Create a movie
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Visualisation of Arepo in the Terminal using PYthon
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