A Powershell module for logging any Powershell script Simply import this module at the beginning of any of your Powershell scripts and use the methods to log anything easily.
- Print a nice Header, Sub header and Footer lines
- Capture Debug and Verbose messages
- Capture Exception messages (even chained exceptions caused by other methods)
- Set-DebugLogging
- Set the debug Logging from the Script parameters
- Get-LogFilePath
- Get the current Log File Path
- By default, using the Script name (with '.log' extension)
- Set-LogFilePath
- Set the Log File Path
- Write-LogMessage
- Write a log message in different Logging Types (Info, Warning, Error, Debug, Verbose)
- Join-ExceptionMessage
- In case of an exception, use this method to capture all exceptions that happened in that call
Script example:
# Import the PS-Logger to the script
Import-Module .\PS-Logger -Debug:$False -Verbose:$False
# Set the debug logging (if needed)
Set-DebugLogging -ScriptBoundParameters $PSBoundParameters
# Script Version
$ScriptVersion = "1.0"
Write-LogMessage -Type Info -MSG "Starting script (v$ScriptVersion)" -Header
Write-LogMessage -Type Debug -MSG "Running PowerShell version $($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major) compatible of versions $($PSVersionTable.PSCompatibleVersions -join ", ")" -LogFile $LOG_FILE_PATH
$machineName = $ENV:ComputerName
Write-LogMessage -Type Debug -MSG "Machine Name: $machineName"
$revMachineName = $machineName.ToCharArray()
$revMachineName = -Join($revMachineName)
Write-LogMessage -Type Warning -MSG "Reversing Machine name ($machineName)..."
Write-LogMessage -Type Info -MSG "Reversed Machine name: $revMachineName"
Write-LogMessage -Type Info -MSG "Script ended" -Footer
Remove-Module PS-Logger -Debug:$False -Verbose:$False
On screen:
PS C:\Temp> .\temp.ps1 -Debug -Verbose
Starting script (v1.0)
Reversing Machine name (VM-A9B0F407)...
Reverse Machine name: 704F0B9A-MV
Script ended
Log file:
[2020-08-16 01:58:25] [DEBUG] Running in Debug Mode
[2020-08-16 01:58:25] [VERBOSE] Running in Verbose Mode
[2020-08-16 01:58:25] [INFO] Starting script (v1.0)
[2020-08-16 01:58:25] [DEBUG] Running PowerShell version 5 compatible of versions 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 5.1.14393.1944
[2020-08-16 01:58:25] [DEBUG] Machine Name: VM-A9B0F407
[2020-08-16 01:58:25] [WARNING] Reversing Machine name (VM-A9B0F407)...
[2020-08-16 01:58:25] [INFO] Reversed Machine name: 704F0B9A-MV
[2020-08-16 01:58:25] [INFO] Script ended
Script example:
# Import the PS-Logger to the script
Import-Module .\PS-Logger
Set-DebugLogging -ScriptBoundParameters $PSBoundParameters
Write-LogMessage -Type Info "Starting to throw errors..."
Throw "This is the first Error!"
Throw $(New-Object System.Exception ("Throwing a second error with the previous exception"),$_.Exception)
Write-LogMessage -Type Error -Msg "There was a script error.`nError Details:`n $(Join-ExceptionMessage $_.Exception)"
Write-LogMessage -Type Info -MSG "Script ended" -Footer
Remove-Module PS-Logger
On screen:
PS C:\Temp> .\temp.ps1
Starting to throw errors...
There was a script error.
Error Details:
Source:; Message: Throwing a second error with the previous exception
->Source:; Message: This is the first Error!
Script ended
Log file:
[2020-08-16 03:04:38] [INFO] Starting to throw errors...
[2020-08-16 03:04:38] [ERROR] There was a script error.
Error Details:
Source:; Message: Throwing a second error with the previous exception
->Source:; Message: This is the first Error!
[2020-08-16 03:04:38] [INFO] Script ended