This is a hierarchical federated learning framework, which is an extension of the vanilla federated learning paper : Communication-Efficient Learning of Deep Networks from Decentralized Data.
You can set the number of the layers and the number of servers at each layer mannually.
Experiments are produced on MNIST, Fashion MNIST and CIFAR10 (both IID and non-IID). In case of non-IID, the data amongst the users can be split equally or unequally.
The federated learning structure is forked from AshwinRJ
Install all the packages from requirments.txt
- Python3
- Pytorch
- Torchvision
- Download train and test datasets manually or they will be automatically downloaded from torchvision datasets.
- Experiments are run on Mnist, Fashion Mnist and Cifar.
- To use your own dataset: Move your dataset to data directory and write a wrapper on pytorch dataset class.
The baseline experiment trains the model in the conventional way.
- To run the baseline experiment with MNIST on MLP using CPU:
python --model=mlp --dataset=mnist --epochs=10
- Or to run it on GPU (eg: if gpu:0 is available):
python --model=mlp --dataset=mnist --gpu=0 --epochs=10
Federated experiment involves training a global model using many local models.
- To run the federated experiment with CIFAR on CNN (IID):
python --model=cnn --dataset=cifar --gpu=0 --iid=1 --epochs=10
- To run the same experiment under non-IID condition:
python --model=cnn --dataset=cifar --gpu=0 --iid=0 --epochs=10
In the hierarachial FL framework, users are divided into different groups and upload their model parameters to different edge servers. On each edge server, there is a model aggregated. On the central cloud server, there is global model same as vanilla FL.
- To run the hierarachial FL experiment with non-IID data:
python --model=cnn --dataset=cifar --gpu=0 --iid=0 --epochs=10
The default values for various paramters parsed to the experiment are given in
. Details are given for the Hierarchical FL parameters:
A list shows the number of servers starting from the edge layer. The cloud layer is not included because it is default as 1.--download:
Whether user download models from the edge server or just use local model--management:
Top-down management to ensure the best model is on the edge server.