Frontend part of my Easy-to-use MERN eCommerce portfolio app with modern design and slightly different approch for better experience. Many awesome code and features yet to come in that project.
- product category,
- cart,
- checkout,
- PayPal integration,
- order page,
- authentication & authorization,
- profile page,
- admin user & order table,
- pagination,
- shorting & filter
- ratings,
- comments,
- user product favourite,
- FAQ,
- user profile image,
- admin product add-edit-delete-table,
- mail checkout, deliver and other info,
- stock count update on cart add or delete,
- navbar in small screen,
- code reflector,
- testing
- Ecommerce
- UI/UX Design
- MongoDB
- Express JS
- React
- React-Redux
- Bootstrap
- Javascript
- Algorithms
- Frontend
- Backend
This project is owned by Asraf2asif for this portfolio