My name is Xingyu Chen | 陈星宇.
I’m a third year Ph.D. student at the University of California San Diego (UCSD) advised by Prof. Xinyu Zhang.
I earned my bachelor's degree in computer science with honors from the University at Buffalo in 3 years in 2021. I was a research assistant advised by Professor Wenyao Xu at UB ESC Group during my undergraduate study. After graduation, I took a gap year and worked with Professor Zhengxiong Li at CU Denver META Lab.
My research interests are:
Wireless Sensing:
- millimeter Waves emerging applications
I am also interested in:
Computer Graphics:
- Physically Based Rendering
- Inverse Simulation & Rendering
- Domain-Specific Compilers
- Smart Contract (Ethereum Virtual Machine)
for my publications and more, visit