This is a website for AUST programming group
-> WAMP/XAMP/MAMP (for using php and database, currently MYSQL database has been used in the project)
-> Composer (for Laravel)
-> Basic knowledge in using laravel 5.5 (as this project uses laravel 5.5)
at first clone/copy all files to destination folder
make a .env file at the root
copy the .env.example file contains to newly created .env file
open cmd and go to the directory location of the project
"php artisan key:generate"
"composer install"
now the project is ready to use.
- create a database user: "homestead"
- create a database named: "homestead"
- give permission to the db user on the database
[N.B.: above 3 instuctions can be done by following this page->]
go to the project root directory using cmd
"php artisan migrate"
"php artisan migrate:refresh"
"php artisan db:seed"
two test user will be created:
a) "email:"
"pass: 123456"
b) email:
pass: 123456