Purpose of this file is to provide basic information about this "MyAppiumMavenAssignment" which is an Appium+Cucumber Maven project.
->It is a maven project to automate the Mobile application and to perform test cases across its features.
->Test configurations like – All desired capabilities for creating new session and wait time has read from properties file.
->Created automated scenarios across different scenarios and flows over screen of demo api application.
-> All reporting have been done in this project like Extent reporting, Cucumber-generate Reporting, HTML reporting, Json Reporting.
->All test cases have been tested and working successfully and have been witnessed through virtual mobile device Pixel 2 API 27 (Android 8.1) through emulater provided by Android Studio.
~ Open the MyAppiumMavenAssignment folder
~ Find Testng.xml and run it with testng.
~ *IMPORTANT- Run test suite from TESTNG.xml, not from TestRunner file because Listeners support has added in testng.xml.
~ Go to the inside directory path where the Project folder have saved by cd command.
~ Perform *mvn clean
~ Then Perform mvn verify (to generate cucumber Reporting)
~` it will run the test suits for you