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unRaidDocker Homeassistant

Arve edited this page Dec 13, 2023 · 1 revision


Get simple HA install, available on same level of config as other dockers


add as docker,, see general unRaid

PS: renamed docker, using non-standard port and have mapped separate hard-disk for backups Have used to have several versions/HA-dockers runing paralell,,, so ended up with strange naming and port for the prod-HA :) if statring from scratch i would keep standard name and port For backup it is better to keep it off the appdata-drive in case of drive failure,,, see unraid bck for further info on backup-procedure

Setup Docker: image

Setup docker-start-sequence: Since Mosquitto need to run before z2m/ha,, (and Frigate) this is how you arrange the dockers for right start-sequence and add a bit of a wait to ensure that Mosquitto is properly started: image

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