Created an app for restraurant reservations using streamlit and MySQL.
This project consists of UI in which customers can –
• View the vacant tables in a restaurant.
• See reviews of the selected restaurant which will help the customer in deciding which restaurant to book a table in.
• They can make reservations in a particular restaurant for a specific date and time.
• They can view, edit and delete the reservations as well.
• View vacant tables in a particular area(For example Koramangala).
• Find the names of customers who have made atleast one reservation.
The following libraries are required to run the code:
- Numpy
- Pandas
- Streamlit
- Mysql.connector
To install the above packages-
pip install numpy
pip install pandas
pip install streamlit
python, numpy and pandas
MySQL (MariaDB)
Step 1- Open Xampp Control Panel. Start mysql and Apache.
Step 2- In command prompt navigate to the folder where all your project files are present and execute the below command
streamlit run