Well, at least 300 Redditors stole some money from lenders on /r/borrow.
Having seen more than 12,000 loan requests, www.reddit.com/r/borrow/ holds a ton of information on what types of Redditors are trustworthy. PleaseRepay.me seeks to capitalize on this information, and use it to predict the outcome of a given loan.
We categorize all "[REQ]" threads on /r/borrow into three buckets:
- Repaid
- Unpaid
- Loan Unfulfilled (No lender willing to give a loan)
Using a process known as Machine Learning, we analyzed [REQ]uesters for more than 30 characteristics. We asked the question: If a user has a certain characteristic, does it correlate to the user being in a certain bucket?
After taking note of the characteristics that correlate with each bucket, we can predict what bucket any old Redditor belongs to.
Our algorithm is quite good at predicting outcomes, with an F1 Score of more than 95%.
Special shoutout goes to /u/Stuck_In_the_Matrix for providing the data for this project!
Create a file backend/app/prediction/settings.py
with variables CLIENT_ID
corresponding to your Reddit API settings
Installing Dependancies
brew install redis
// In another tab
cd frontend
npm install
bash rebuild
cd ../backend
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Launching the app
cd ../frontend
bash rebuild.sh
cd ../backend
python3 manage.py runsever