This project is a fully functionnal alarm clock and music player. With this device, you can play music when you want and also wake up with them. The music are store on a mini SD card and played randomly, so no worrying about hearing the same music or ring each morning !!
No need to worry about the time if the device is disconected, a small battery inside the clock (RTC) keep the time ticking. You just need to replug the device and everything is working !
├── 📄 Wiring.fzz
| └──> A Fritzing schematic of the project
├── 📁 3d
| └──> Some 3D model that I have not printed yet
└── 📁 code
├── 📁 main
| └──> Contains the main script
└── 📁 tests
└──> Contains tests script for each individual element of the project (RTC, TFT, music player)
A good way to debug your circuit if something is not working
- 1 Arduino UNO
- 1 TFT Screen (1.8)
- 1 RTC module (DS3231)
- 1 Rotary encoder (KY040)
- 1 Music module (DFPlayer Mini)
- 1 USB module
- 1 Speaker (8 Ohms, 3W)
- 3 1K Omhs Resistor
- Optional (If noise in speaker when no music is played) :
- 1 Relay (SRD-05VDC-SL-C)
- 1 Transistor (2N2222)
- 1 Diode
- 2 Switch (TFT and Speaker)
- RTClib
- Wire
- SoftwareSerial
- DFRobotDFPlayerMini
There is 3 main screens. Press the simple button to switch between these !
- Display the hour
- The double dots slightly blink each second
- Press the Rotary encoder button to activate/deactivate the alarm
- Display the alarm hour
- Press the rotary encoder button to configure the alarm :
- Rotate the rotary encoder to change the digit
- Press the rotary encoder to switch to another digit
- Display the volume
- Press the rotary encoder button to activate the music :
- A random music will start
- Change music by pressing the button
- Stop the music by pressing the rotary encoder button
- The music is randomly choosen
- The alarm is active only if you are in the main screen ! (At 2h30, the alarm auto change to the main screen(hour_force_hour_screen & minute_force_hour_screen line 50))
- The 2 switch are there to manually turn off the speaker or the TFT screen (useful if you want to sleep in silence and without light)
- When uploading the main code to arduino, be sure to uncomment the line ~150 :
in order to initialize the RTC with the time of the code compilation. Then upload again the code but with the same line commented in order to not reset the time to the compilation time every time the arduino restart.