A simple Mordern, responsive chatbot built using Flask, Javascript, HTML, and CSS, powered by Google Gemini AI. this chatbot supports Markdown syntax and features a clean scrollable UI.
🚀 Features
- ✅AI-Powered: uses Google Gemini AI for intelligent responses
- ✅Mordern UI: Sleek, scrollable, and mobilefriendly interface
- ✅Markdown Support: Understands and renders markdown formatting (bold, italics, headers etc.).
- ✅Flask Backend: Handles request and responses efficiently.
- ✅Frontend with JS, HTML & CSS: interactive and dynamic chat interface.
🛠️Tech Stack
- Backend: FLASK, Google Gemini API, Google AI Studio.
- Markdown Parsing: python markdown library
🚀Installation & Setup
1️⃣Clone the Repository
git clone https://github.com/Arsey-Tracy/AI-CHATBOT.git
2️⃣Install dependencies
pip install flask markdown google-generativeai
3️⃣ Set up Google Gemini API key replace YOUR_API_KEY in app.py with your Google Gemini API key:
5️⃣Run the Flask App
python app.py
The chatbot will be available at
🖥️Project Structure
|-- /static
| |-- styles.css
| |-- script.js
| /templates
| |-- index.html
|-- app.py # Flask backend
|-- README.md # project documentation
|-- requirements.txt # Dependencies
Start typing a message in the input box. The chatbot responds using Google Gemini AI Supports Markdown Syntax, so try generating the following:
- bold text
- italics
- header
- list items
This project is open-source under the MIT License.
⭐Contributing Feel free to fork, improve and submit a pull request!