The Shortcode UI plugin provides several useful UI elements for Grav as shortcodes. As such it requires the Shortcode Core plugin to function.
It currently provides:
- Tabs
- CSS browser wrapper
- Callout for images with hover-tooltips
- Dual image comparison with drag handle
- Variety of animated text effects
Typically a plugin should be installed via GPM (Grav Package Manager):
$ bin/gpm install shortcode-ui
Alternatively it can be installed via the Admin Plugin
There is currently only one main plugin option for Shortcode UI and that is to set a default theme for the tabs shortcode. As this plugin requires the Shortcode Core functionality there are some configuration options there that will effect this one. For example setting the default active
state to false
will also cause this plugin to not function.
enabled: true
tabs: default # default|lite|badges
You can change the tabs theme per-page by providing custom page headers:
tabs: lite
This plugin provides a variety of plugins, each with a specific purpose:
An example of the Tabs shortcode is as follows:
[ui-tabs position="top-left" active="0" theme="lite"]
[ui-tab title="First Tab"]
In tempor sed sapien eu porttitor. Aliquam cursus facilisis ante. Etiam neque nunc, blandit vel lacus et, faucibus accumsan lacus. Proin posuere varius purus quis faucibus. Quisque et enim vitae orci [placerat tincidunt](#) id ac eros. Fusce et gravida libero.
Phasellus cursus odio ex, in **mattis lorem tincidunt** vel. Donec nibh odio, dapibus non ligula a, semper ornare massa. Nulla consectetur eu nunc sed ultrices. Integer at turpis dolor.
[ui-tab title="Second Tab"]
In tempor sed sapien **eu porttitor**. Aliquam cursus facilisis ante. Etiam neque nunc, blandit vel lacus et, faucibus accumsan lacus. Proin posuere varius purus quis faucibus. [Quisque et enim](#) vitae orci placerat tincidunt id ac eros. Fusce et gravida libero.
Phasellus cursus odio ex, in mattis lorem tincidunt vel. [Donec nibh odio](#), dapibus non ligula a, semper ornare massa. Nulla consectetur eu nunc sed ultrices. Integer at turpis dolor.
The [ui-tabs]
shortcode has some optional parameters:
- top-left | top-right | bottom-left | bottom-rightactive
- 0-index number of initial active tab state. 0 to (number of tabs - 1)theme
- default | lite | badges
The [ui-tab]
shortcode that defines each tab has the following parameters:
- The text to display for the actual tab title
You can use whatever markdown you wish in the tab itself. They are auto-adjusting and fully responsive.
This shortcode wraps content (image, text, whatever) with a HTML/CSS Browser frame.
[ui-browser address=""]
The [ui-browser]
shortcode has some optional parameters:
- URL to display in the fake address bar of the browser
The [ui-callout]
shortcode is intended to be able to provide numbered callout badges on an image and allow you to hover over an image and see a tooltip describing a particular feature. This is particularly useful when describing a user interface or provide notes or tips for an image.
Each [ui-callout-item]
defines a particular item or tip that exists for the image.
[ui-callout-item title="Outlines" position="15%, 20%, se"]
This administrative panel lists displays the current theme's outlines, giving you quick access
to edit, rename, duplicate, and delete them.
[ui-callout-item title="Menu Editor" position="60%, 85%, nw"]
This administrative [color=blue]panel gives you the ability[/color] to enhance the platform's
menu by altering styling, rearranging links, and creating menu items that sit outside of the
CMS's integrated Menu Manager.
You can see this image has 2 items
The [ui-callout]
has no parameters.
The [ui-callout-item]
shortcode that defines each item has the following parameters:
- The title of the calloutposition
. The Y% and X% are measured from the top left corner. That being0%, 0%
, and the bottom right corner being100%, 100%
. The tip orientation should be one of these values:ne, nw, se, sw
You can use whatever markdown you wish in the item itself. These will be represented as tooltips on hover.
This shortcode takes two images and provides a simple way to compare them via a draggable handle that lets you slide one image over the other.
Simple provide two images, each on a newline between this shortcode. The Alt
text for the image will be used for the title.
This shortcode creates an attractive animated text effect with a few simple options. By default, the animated text is appended to the end of the provided text. However you can use the %WORDS%
text token to insert the animated text anywhere in your string.
The [ui-animated-text]
shortcode has some parameters:
- Various words in a comma separated list to animate throughanimation
-rotate-1 | rotate-2 | rotate-3 | type | loading-bar | slide | scale | clip | zoom | push
- HTML element to wrap the text, for exampleh1
[ui-animated-text words="pizza, chips, steak" animation="rotate-1" element="h2"]%WORDS% is my favorite food[/ui-animated-text]
[ui-animated-text words="pizza, chips, steak" animation="loading-bar" element="h2"]My favorite food is[/ui-animated-text]
[ui-animated-text words="pizza, chips, steak" animation="slide" element="h2"]My favorite food is[/ui-animated-text]
[ui-animated-text words="pizza, chips, steak" animation="clip" element="h2"]My favorite food is[/ui-animated-text]
[ui-animated-text words="pizza, chips, steak" animation="zoom" element="h2"]My favorite food is[/ui-animated-text]
[ui-animated-text words="pizza, chips, steak" animation="push" element="h2"]My favorite food is[/ui-animated-text]
[ui-animated-text words="pizza, chips, steak" animation="letters rotate-2" element="h2"]My favorite food is[/ui-animated-text]
[ui-animated-text words="pizza, chips, steak" animation="letters type" element="h2"]My favorite food is[/ui-animated-text]
[ui-animated-text words="pizza, chips, steak" animation="letters rotate-3" element="h2"]My favorite food is[/ui-animated-text]
[ui-animated-text words="pizza, chips, steak" animation="letters scale" element="h2"]My favorite food is[/ui-animated-text]