This app all about the reading books which is fetch from server by the help of library.
In this app there are many functionalities here like as the DashBoard Activity here we shows all the books which is coming from server, and when we click any of of they will redirect to the Description Activity here we show the description which is also fetch from server.
Also we use RoomPersistenceLibrary which helps to store data in the database in our case we use in the Favourite fragment means when the user click on the favourite button they will store in the database and next time when you come on this app you can read your favourite books
And atlast we added AboutApp section which helps to the information the app
Topics Covered:-
▪ RecyclerView
▪ Adaptor
▪ RoomPersistenceLibrary(database)
▪ Volley Library(data fetch from server)
▪ Navigation Drawer
▪ Splash Activity