TSK models that are using the hybrid method for training. For the task 1 use Haberman's dataset. For the task 2 use Epileptic Seizure Recognition Data Set
- Use Subtractive Clustering
- Class Independent for clusterInfluenceRange = 0.7
- Change the output function to constant
- Train the TSK model with hybrid method (Backpropagation and Least Squares Method)
- Evaluate the model
- Error matrix
- Producer’s accuracy – User’s accuracy
- Overall accuracy
- K
- Use Subtractive Clustering
- Class Independent for clusterInfluenceRange = 0.9
- Change the output function to constant
- Train the TSK model with hybrid method (Backpropagation and Least Squares Method)
- Evaluate the model
- Error matrix
- Producer’s accuracy – User’s accuracy
- Overall accuracy
- K
- Use Subtractive Clustering
- Class Dependent for clusterInfluenceRange = 0.7
- Change the output function to constant
- Train the TSK model with hybrid method (Backpropagation and Least Squares Method)
- Evaluate the model
- Error matrix
- Producer’s accuracy – User’s accuracy
- Overall accuracy
- K
- Use Subtractive Clustering
- Class Dependent for clusterInfluenceRange = 0.9
- Change the output function to constant
- Train the TSK model with hybrid method (Backpropagation and Least Squares Method)
- Evaluate the model
- Error matrix
- Producer’s accuracy – User’s accuracy
- Overall accuracy
- K
- Use Subtractive Clustering
- Create a grid search for the best number of features and values of radii
- Use relieff for feature selection
- Compare metrics between models to find the best parameters