Implementation of PoreFlow-Net: a 3D convolutional neural network to predict fluid flow through porous media
- Download the desired data from the digital rock portal (or create your own via your preferred simulation method)
- Use the script to train a model
This is how our network looks like:
To train/test the model we used tensorflow 1.12, newer versions should work
The rest of the necessary packages should be available via pip
All the training/testing data can be found here: gdrive link
The keras tunner could be used to optimize the number of filters on each encoding branch
We welcome collaborations
If you use our code for your own research, we would be grateful if you cite our publication AWR
title = "PoreFlow-Net: a 3D convolutional neural network to predict fluid flow through porous media",
journal = "Advances in Water Resources",
pages = "103539",
year = "2020",
issn = "0309-1708",
doi = "",
url = "",
author = "Javier E. Santos and Duo Xu and Honggeun Jo and Christopher J. Landry and Maša Prodanović and Michael J. Pyrcz",