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The Taxifare Optimization project

This project was completed as part of a Data Engineering Bootcamp at Le Wagon Paris and presented at Demo Day on November 8, 2024 (View Project Demo Slides).

The objective of this project was to build a complete ETL and machine learning pipeline—from data ingestion to an end-user interface—using tools covered in the bootcamp. Given a four-day timeframe, we leveraged previous bootcamp exercises as a foundation, enabling us to focus on optimizing and studying the performance of the pipeline.

Repositories that are part of the Taxifare Project:

  • Taxifare: A data engineering pipeline that ingests, processes, and stores NYC taxi ride data in cloud storage and a data warehouse.
    • Distributed processing with Spark, on Dataproc
    • Job orchestration using Airflow.
    • Cloud storage on Google Cloud Storage
    • Analytical warehouse with BigQuery
  • Taxifare API: A cloud-deployed API providing a prediction endpoint.
    • Built with FastAPi and Gunicorn
    • Deployed on Google Cloud Run, using a Docker image hosted in Artifact Registery
  • Taxifare Front: A Streamlit application that allows users to predict taxi fares with our model.

The project complete pipeline Project pipeline

Taxifare API

This FastAPI application provides taxi fare predictions based on ride parameters. The application uses a machine learning model stored in Google Cloud Storage (GCS) and can be deployed both locally and on Google Cloud Run.

API flow

The api flow

README Sections


  • FastAPI Framework: High-performance, easy-to-use API with automatic documentation.
  • Prediction endpoint: Predicts taxi fares based on inputs like pickup location, dropoff location, and time.
  • Deployment-Ready: Configured for production deployment on Google Cloud Run with Docker.


  • Python 3.8 or higher
  • Poetry
  • Docker
  • Google Cloud SDK (includes gcloud CLI) - needs separate installation from
    • Required for deployment commands, not for local development
  • A Google Cloud Project We will enable the following services:
    • Cloud Run
    • Artifact Registry
  • GCP service account key which needs to include the following IAM roles:
    1. Google Cloud Storage:
      • roles/storage.objectViewer
    2. Artifact Registry:
      • roles/artifactregistry.repoAdmin
    3. Cloud Run:
      • roles/run.admin
      • roles/iam.serviceAccountUser

Makefile Commands

The project includes a Makefile with useful commands for local development, Docker usage, and Google Cloud deployment.

The commands mentioned in this README are part of the Makefile. Refer to the Makefile to see the full list of commands and additional options to support your development and deployment workflow.

Environment Setup

  1. Clone the repository
git clone
cd taxifare-fastapi
  1. Place your GCP service account key JSON file in the root directory

  2. Environment variables

Create a .env file in the root directory from the .env.sample

cp .env.sample .env

Modify the variables to fit your GCP project and cloud storage bucket





Note on Environment Variables: This project requires sensitive configuration details (like GCP credentials) stored in a .env file and necessary to interact with GCP. The environment variables are loaded automatically using python-dotenv (which is installed automatically by poetry). This setup ensures that configuration data remains secure and manageable.

Quickstart Local Development

Install Dependencies

poetry install

Run Development Server

make local_start_dev

This starts the server in development mode with hot reload at http://localhost:8080

Run Production Server Locally

make local_start_prod

This simulates the production environment using Gunicorn.

Access the API:

Docker Local Testing

  1. Build the Docker image:
make local_docker_build
  1. Run the container:
make local_docker_run

This runs the container using the service account key

To inspect the container:

make local_docker_run_detached

Production Deployment

1. GCP Setup

Check GCP settings:

make gcloud_check_config

Configure GCP settings:

make gcloud_set_auth
make gcloud_set_project

Check if required services are enabled

make gcloud_check_enabled_services

Enable required services:

make gcloud_enable_services

2. Artifact Registry Setup

Create repository (will check if it does not exists already)

make create_artifact_repo

Configure authentication

make gcloud_set_artifact_repo
make authenticate_docker_to_artifact

3. Build and Push Docker Image

If there is an existing docker image, rename it for cloud

make cloud_docker_rename_for_artifact

or build from scratch for cloud

make cloud_docker_build

Then, push to Artifact Registry

make cloud_docker_push_to_artifact

for debug => Listing and deleting images in Artifact :

# List repo / images / files in the artifact repo
# Delete the image from the artifact registry
# Delete the cached layers from the artifact registry

4. Deploy to Cloud Run

Deploy the application, includes the env variables

make cloud_run

Set up IAM permissions

make cloud_run_set_permissions

5. Verify Deployment

make check_deployment

API Endpoints

Root Endpoint

  • GET /: Health check endpoint
  • Response: {"status": "ok"}

Model Reload

This endpoint was set-up to force-reload the model before the demo day to prevent latency

  • GET /model_reload: Reloads the model from GCS
  • Response: {"status": "reloaded"} or error message

Prediction Endpoint

  • GET /predict: Get fare prediction
  • Parameters:
    • pickup_datetime: string (format: "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS")
    • pickup_longitude: float
    • pickup_latitude: float
    • dropoff_longitude: float
    • dropoff_latitude: float
    • passenger_count: integer
  • Response: {"fare": float}

Example request:

http://localhost:8080/predict?pickup_datetime=2014-07-06 19:18:00&pickup_longitude=-73.950655&pickup_latitude=40.783282&dropoff_longitude=-73.984365&dropoff_latitude=40.769802&passenger_count=2

Project Structure

├── app/
│   ├──         # Configuration settings
│   ├──        # Logging configuration
│   ├──           # FastAPI application
│   └── utils/
│       └──        # GCP utilities
├── tests/                # Test files
├── .dockerignore         # Files to ignore from docker image
├── .env                  # your env variables to set-up
├── .env.sample           # .env template with placeholder values
├── Dockerfile            # Docker configuration
├── Makefile              # Development and deployment commands
├── pyproject.toml        # Project dependencies
└── service-account-key.json # your gcp project service account key to copy


Running Tests

poetry run pytest


The application logs are written to:

  • Console output
  • app.log file


  1. If the model fails to load, check:

    • GCP credentials are properly set
    • Bucket permissions are correct
    • Model file exists in the specified GCS path
  2. For deployment issues:

    • Verify GCP service account permissions
    • Check Cloud Run logs for detailed error messages
    • Ensure all required environment variables are set


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


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