Design considerations The wandering sheep project implemented the "Improving GSM-based sheep tracking: Using a cluster-based multi-hop approach" paper to develop a cost efficient but accurate sheep tracking system for residents in Rosedale, Mthatha, South Africa.
- Go to /Follower Sheep(Wireless Transceiver), download the adafruit library zip.
- Add it to the arduino libraries file, open files->examples->adafruit blue fruitLE nF51->blueart_cmdmode.
- Uncomment the software UART in the code, comment the default SPI code.
- Download the Blue Connect mobile phone app, connect it to the bluefruit device.
- Upload to the board and open the serial monitor.
- If upload failed, check the serial port, make sure it's the arduino UNO port.
- The CAD model files of the collar design is in /Physical Collar.
- The back end database with an example used in the demo video is in /Backend Database.
- The PM artefacts are in /Team Process (formal checkin documents), and /Housekeeping.
- There are two main deliverables, the Proposal and the Pitch, relavent documents are in /Design Milestones.