Personal project
This program implements the OpenCV libraries and functions that handles video input feed. Furthermore, a third party API 'g-streamer' is used to complete the implmentation.
- Basic OpenCV commands
- Editing video in real-time output
- Version control using git in VScode IDE
Introduction to the OpenCV project. Learn to integrate GitHub and VScode project. Set up GitHub repository and project. Initialise interface with camera module using 'G-Streamer'. Create multiple windows and modifying colour properties.
Moving windows and inspect latency
Resizing windows and inspect latency
Reading and writing video into a file
Drawing and modifying video output. Add shapes, lines and text onto the video frame and display it.
Implement a simple state and event handler. Recognise and process mouse click with event handling implmentation. Create new window and implement 'eyedrop' or 'colour grab' functionality. This is useful for tracking specific colour of an item in future implementations.
Implement drawing and modifying trackbars. Using trackbars to modify a shape to move or change its parameters.
Implement and modify a region of intererest (ROI) window. Using a moving shape to define the region of interest. Create copies of video input feed.