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CleaningRobot. Coding Test

Project Structure

|--> CleanignRobot.CleaningRobot
|--> CleaningRobot.Common
|--> CleaningRobot.Console
|--> CleaningRobot.Models
|--> CleaningRobot.Tests
\--> CleaningRobot.WebAPI
  • CleanignRobot.CleaningRobot. NetStandart2.0 shared library. Cleaning Robot logic itself. Provides interface and interface implementation. Can be attached to other projects;
  • CleanignRobot.Common. Common classes used in other projects. Contains some JSON converters to parse and produce JSON files wich describes robots input and output;
  • CleanignRobot.Console. Console program used to work with robot;
  • CleanignRobot.Models. NetStandart2.0 shared library with models used by other projects;
  • CleanignRobot.Tests. MSTest project used to provide Unit Tests for CleanignRobot.CleaningRobot, CleanignRobot.Common, CleanignRobot.WebAPI;
  • CleanignRobot.WebAPI. ASP.NET Core2 WebAPI project. Implements RESTfull microservice to work with robot.

Project folder also contains additional suddirrectories like .vscode and .git. First is used to work with project in Microsot Visual Studio Code IDE and another -- is Git VCS repository.


To successfully build and run project .NET Core 2.0 enviroment and CLI must be installed. To check if you have all you need, run shell (Linux) or cmd(Windows) and execute:

dotnet --version

If reurned result is greater than 2.0.0 everything is ok. Otherwise, read this to see, how to install .NET Core on your system.

Building and running

Here is list of executable projects:

  • CleanignRobot.Console;
  • CleanignRobot.Tests;
  • CleanignRobot.WebAPI.


To run CleanignRobot.Console open shell or cmd, navigate to folder what contains project and execute

dotnet run <input.json> <output.json>

Where <input.json> is path to JSON file with input data for cleaning robot, and <output.json> is path to resulting file. All project dependencies will be downloaded and builded automaticly by dotnet command. If you provide paths to JSON files correct the output will contains something like this:

0.			    X:3,	Y:0,	F:N,	B:80;
1.		C:TL,	X:3,	Y:0,	F:W,	B:79	-> OK;
2.		C:A,	X:2,	Y:0,	F:W,	B:77	-> OK;
3.		C:C,	X:2,	Y:0,	F:W,	B:72	-> OK;
4.		C:A,	X:1,	Y:0,	F:W,	B:70	-> OK;
5.		C:C,	X:1,	Y:0,	F:W,	B:65	-> OK;
6.		C:TR,	X:1,	Y:0,	F:N,	B:64	-> OK;
7.		C:A,	X:1,	Y:0,	F:N,	B:62	-> B1;
8.		B1:TR,	X:1,	Y:0,	F:E,	B:61	-> OK;
9.		B1:A,	X:2,	Y:0,	F:E,	B:59	-> OK;
10.		C:C,	X:2,	Y:0,	F:E,	B:54	-> OK;

It's robot command execution log and it show how robot execute each command and the result of each command.


To run CleanignRobot.Tests open shell or cmd, navigate to folder what contains project and execute

dotnet test

All project dependencies will be downloaded and builded automaticly by dotnet command. If everything is ok, you will see the output of MSTest:

Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version 15.5.0
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Starting test execution, please wait...

Total tests: 7. Passed: 7. Failed: 0. Skipped: 0.
Test Run Successful.


To run CleanignRobot.WebAPI open shell or cmd, navigate to folder what contains project and execute

dotnet run

All project dependencies will be downloaded and builded automaticly by dotnet command. If everything is ok, you will see the output of like this:

Hosting environment: Production
Content root path: /home/arhichief/projects/CleaningRobot/CleaningRobot.WebAPI
Now listening on: http://localhost:5000
Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.

Now you can send requests to RESTfull api using curl or Postman or another program what can create and send HTTP requests.

PUT /api/robot/robot_name

Create new robot called robot_name.

PUT: http://localhost:5000/api/robot/Johny
  "map": [
    ["S", "S", "S", "S"],
    ["S", "S", "C", "S"],
    ["S", "S", "S", "S"],
    ["S", "null", "S", "S"]
  "start": {"X": 3, "Y": 0, "facing": "N"},
  "commands": [ "TL","A","C","A","C","TR","A","C"],
  "battery": 80

Create request with curl

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"map": [["S", "S", "S", "S"],["S", "S", "C", "S"],["S", "S", "S", "S"],["S", "null", "S", "S"]],"start": {"X": 3, "Y": 0, "facing": "N"},"commands": [ "TL","A","C","A","C","TR","A","C"],"battery": 80}' http://localhost:5000/api/robot/Johny
GET /api/robot

Get list of all created robots

GET: http://localhost:5000/api/robot

Create request with curl

curl -X GET  http://localhost:5000/api/robot
POST /api/robot/robot_name/execute

Ask robot robot_name to execute list of commands

POST: http://localhost:5000/api/robot/Johny/execute
[ "TL","A","C","A","C","TR","A","C"]

Create request with curl

curl -H 'application/json' -X POST  http://localhost:5000/api/robot -d '[ "TL","A","C","A","C","TR","A","C"]' http://localhost:5000/api/robot/Johny/execute
GET /api/robot/robot_name

Get robot robot_name final result

GET: http://localhost:5000/api/robot/Johny

Create request with curl

curl -X GET http://localhost:5000/api/robot/Johny
DELETE /api/robot/robot_name

Delete robot robot_name

DELETE: http://localhost:5000/api/robot/Johny

Create request with curl

curl -X DELETE http://localhost:5000/api/robot/Johny
GET /api/robot/robot_name/log

Get robot robot_name command execution log

GET: http://localhost:5000/api/robot/Johny/log

Create request with curl

curl -X GET http://localhost:5000/api/robot/Johny/log


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