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A plugin designed to simplify the integration of Java/Kotlin projects with Jimmer.


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Gradle Plugin Jimmer

A plugin designed to simplify the integration of Java/Kotlin projects with Jimmer.

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  • Automatically detects the project language and, after configuring the version string, adds the corresponding language's dependencies for that version. It also supports manually defining the project language:
    • Java: jimmer-sql and jimmer-apt
    • Kotlin: jimmer-sql-kotlin and jimmer-ksp
  • If the project is a Spring Boot project, use jimmer-spring-boot-starter instead of jimmer-sql and jimmer-sql-kotlin.
  • If the project depends on MapStruct with Kotlin and KAPT, add the jimmer-mapstruct-apt kapt dependency automatically.
  • Supports one-configuration addition and version management of dependencies for embedding Jimmer in Swagger UI.
  • Supports one-configuration addition and version management of the unofficial Quarkus extension dependency io.github.flynndi:quarkus-jimmer.
  • If the project is a Quarkus Kotlin project, it automatically resolves the circular dependency between Quarkus and the ksp code generation tasks that prevents your build.
  • Strongly typed modification of Jimmer code generator parameters, instead of manually passing string parameters to APT or KSP.


Add the following content to your project's build file:

// build.gradle
plugins {
    id 'tech.argonariod.gradle-plugin-jimmer' version 'latest.release'

jimmer {
    version = 'latest.release'
// build.gradle.kts
plugins {
    id("tech.argonariod.gradle-plugin-jimmer") version "latest.release"

jimmer {
    version = "latest.release"

Java Projects

Reload your Gradle project, and the latest versions of org.babyfish.jimmer:jimmer-sql and org.babyfish.jimmer:jimmer-apt will be added as dependencies to your project.

Kotlin Projects

  1. Ensure that the plugin is added to your project, for example:
    plugins {
        kotlin("jvm") version "1.8.0"
        id("") version "1.8.0+"
  2. Reload your Gradle project, and the latest versions of org.babyfish.jimmer:jimmer-sql-kotlin and org.babyfish.jimmer:jimmer-ksp will be added as dependencies to your project.


If your project does not include the plugin, this plugin will only add dependencies such as org.babyfish.jimmer:jimmer-sql-kotlin to your project, without adding the org.babyfish.jimmer:jimmer-ksp dependency.

Spring Boot Projects

If any dependencies in your project have an artifact ID starting with spring-boot-starter, then org.babyfish.jimmer:jimmer-spring-boot-starter will replace jimmer-sql and jimmer-sql-kotlin mentioned above as dependencies in your project.

All Configurable Items

// build.gradle
import tech.argonariod.gradle.jimmer.JimmerLanguage
import tech.argonariod.gradle.jimmer.JimmerDtoNullableInputModifier

jimmer {
    version = 'latest.release'
    disableVersionNotSetWarning = false
    quarkusExtensionVersion = 'latest.release'
    language = JimmerLanguage.JAVA
    ormCompileOnly = false
    dto {
        dirs = ['src/main/dto', 'src/main/dto2']
        testDirs = ['src/test/dto', 'src/test/dto2']
        defaultNullableInputModifier = JimmerDtoNullableInputModifier.STATIC
        hibernateValidatorEnhancement = false
    client {
        enableEmbeddedSwaggerUi = true
        checkedException = true
        ignoreJdkWarning = true
    java {
        keepIsPrefix = false
        source {
            includes = ['', '']
            excludes = ['']
        entry {
            objects = 'Objects'
            tables = 'Tables'
            tableExes = 'TableExes'
            fetchers = 'Fetchers'
// build.gradle.kts
import tech.argonariod.gradle.jimmer.JimmerLanguage
import tech.argonariod.gradle.jimmer.JimmerDtoNullableInputModifier

jimmer {
    version = "latest.release"
    disableVersionNotSetWarning = false
    quarkusExtensionVersion = "latest.release"
    language = JimmerLanguage.KOTLIN
    ormCompileOnly = false
    immutable {
        generateJimmerModule = false
    dto {
        mutable = true
        dirs = listOf("src/main/dto", "src/main/dto2")
        testDirs = listOf("src/test/dto", "src/test/dto2")
        defaultNullableInputModifier = JimmerDtoNullableInputModifier.STATIC
        hibernateValidatorEnhancement = false
    client {
        enableEmbeddedSwaggerUi = true
        checkedException = true
Argument Name Type Default Value Description
version String None The version of Jimmer to be used.
This property follows the rules defined in the "Declaring Versions" section of the Gradle documentation. Therefore, when this property is set to "latest.release" or "+", your project will be configured to depend on the latest version of Jimmer from your configured repository.
disableVersionNotSetWarning Boolean false Whether to disable the warning that is displayed when the version property is not set.
quarkusExtensionVersion String None The version of the UNOFFICIAL Quarkus extension io.github.flynndi:quarkus-jimmer to be used. For more detailed information, please refer to its GitHub repository page.
This property follows the rules defined in the "Declaring Versions" section of the Gradle documentation. Therefore, when this property is set to "latest.release" or "+", your project will be configured to depend on the latest version of the Quarkus extension from your configured repository.
language JimmerLanguage Configured Automatically The programming language of the project. It will be configured automatically by plugin, but you could also set it manually if you need.
ormCompileOnly Boolean false Whether to add the Jimmer ORM dependencies as compileOnly dependencies.
> generateJimmerModule Boolean false Whether to generate JimmerModule class.
This argument is only available for Kotlin, and the JimmerModule class is only needed for compatibility with version 0.7.47 and earlier.
> mutable Boolean false Whether to generate DTO properties as immutable var.
This argument is only available for Kotlin.
> dirs List<String> ["src/main/dto"] The directories where the jimmer-dto files are located.
> testDirs List<String> ["src/test/dto"] The directories where the jimmer-dto files are located in the test source set.
> defaultNullableInputModifier JimmerDtoNullableInputModifier STATIC Default handling mode of nullable input properties.
See details in Handle Null Values.
> hibernateValidatorEnhancement Boolean false Input DTO with Dynamic fields will implement org.hibernate.validator.Incubating.HibernateValidatorEnhancedBean interface.
See details in babyfish-ct/jimmer#561.
> enableEmbeddedSwaggerUi Boolean false Use embedded swagger-ui js and css files instead of referencing from unpkg cdn.
Enable this option will cause the packaged application to be larger, but it can be used when you have trouble with accessing unpkg cdn.
> checkedException Boolean false Whether to generate client exceptions as checked exceptions.
> ignoreJdkWarning Boolean false Whether to suppress the error that Java compiler version which lower than 11 will lead to generating incorrect client code.
java Java only configurations.
> keepIsPrefix Boolean false Whether to keep the is prefix of boolean type properties of immutable entities.
> source
> > includes List<String> [] The package names and class names that will be processed by the precompiler. If not empty, the precompiler will only process the classes matching this arg.
> > excludes List<String> [] The package names and class names that will not be processed by the precompiler.
> entry Class name configuration of composite jimmer entities.
> > objects String "Objects"
> > tables String "Tables"
> > tableExes String "TableExes"
> > fetchers String "Fetchers"


A plugin designed to simplify the integration of Java/Kotlin projects with Jimmer.






